Page 29 - PDCalFall2019-web
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tations that guide the sound implementation of analysis, understanding body language, writing
that plan, and ongoing and deep conversations reports, and conducting interviews, with
with stakeholders. What structures does a system intensive use of role plays and scenarios.
that emphasizes equitable opportunities for every
learner have in place? How do leaders create Crisis Prevention and Preparedness:
and maintain a focus on a system in which every
learner is provided with the means and resources Comprehensive School Safety Planning
to achieve success? (PSEL Standards 6 and 9)
How do leaders facilitate conversations that lead Jan. 29, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
to the actions that ensure students are thriving Presenters: Carlea Dries, Psy.D., School
together and that those students who have been Psychologist, Allendale School District and
historically underserved are successful in their Steve Myers, Ph.D., School Psychologist,
educational journey? Pascack Valley Regional High School District.
Participants in NJLA 6 will engage with a com- Fee: $149
munity of learners to consider strategies and PREPaRE Workshop 1, Second Edition, 2011:
actions to build a system in which equity for all This 1-day workshop provides school-based
students is viewed through the lens of: mental health professionals, administrators,
• A system for standards-based curriculum security professionals, and other educators the
design and implementation in which edu- knowledge and resources to help them establish
cators collectively develop and implement and sustain comprehensive school safety and
curricular and cross-curricular units of study crisis prevention and preparedness efforts. With
that provide access to rich diverse learning updated research and strategies, this workshop
opportunities; makes a clear connection between ongoing
• An environment that supports and strength- school safety and crisis preparedness. It also
ens a belief system that focuses on the will emphasize the unique needs and functions
integration of social and emotional learning of school teams and the steps involved in
into all facets of school life; and developing these teams, including a model that
• The development of formative assessments integrates school personnel and community
that drive the instructional cycle, improve provider roles. The workshop also explores
student outcomes, and increase each child’s how to prepare for school crises by developing,
potential for taking ownership in mastering exercising, and evaluating safety and crisis
their learning goals. plans, with a special focus on the role and
Session 1: Rethinking Curriculum: The Journey responsibilities of the school crisis team.
Toward a More Equitable Curriculum
Jan. 27, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch) Hot Issues in School Law
Session 2: Social and Emotional Learning: Jan. 30, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at MUJC
Embedding SEL in the Daily Fabric of School Life
Mar. 3, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch) Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
Session 3: Formative Assessment: The Real Content Development
Driver of Instruction
Apr. 2, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch) Fee: $150
This workshop will address current develop-
ments in a variety of legal issues, including HIB
How to Investigate HIB Claims case law and legislative issues, TEACHNJ regula-
Jan. 28, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA tions and Arbitration Decisions, student safety,
Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL recent legislative enactments, social media, First
Amendment rights and responsibilities, and
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and other current and ongoing school law topics.
Content Development; Adam Drew, CEO,
Three Corners Law Enforcement
Fee: $150 Three Things Administrators
This workshop will provide participants with Can Do Today to Get More Out of
practical information and skills for implementing Their Teachers Tomorrow, 2.0
the HIB investigation requirements in the Anti-
Bullying Bill of Rights Act. Participants will be (PSEL Standards 6 and 10)
presented with essential skills and information Jan. 30, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm at FEA
for developing and carrying out effective HIB Presenter: Karen D’Avino, Superintendent,
investigation plans, including interviewing Vernon Public Schools
and questioning techniques and strategies for Fee: $100
managing complex investigations. Additional
topics to be addressed include related statutes, The "Three Things" workshop has been
regulations and case law, due process of law, presented at the local and state level. This
incident reporting, parent involvement, special workshop focuses on strategies for immediate
circumstances (e.g., staff or administrators use. It can be replicated in districts to enhance
as alleged offenders), record keeping and rapport, instruction, and assessment practices
student privacy, handling evidence, technology to improve climate and instructional learning
issues, reports of HIB off school grounds, and outcomes for students. Research-based
coordination with law enforcement officials. content (Marzano, Reeves, etc.) supports strong
instructional foundations for administrators.
Teacher evaluation, using evidence to support
Bullying Response and observations and strengthening teacher practice
Prevention: A Systemic Approach are emphasized as well as improving school
climate. With school anxiety and school refusal
Jan. 29, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA on the rise, this workshop provides strategies
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE for teachers to use on a daily basis to engage
Director reluctant learners.
Fee: $150
This workshop will include advanced HIB
investigation techniques, including handwriting