Page 28 - PDCalFall2019-web
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Session 1: Rethinking Curriculum: The Journey gathering information, special considerations,
Toward a More Equitable Curriculum conducting interviews, confidentiality, and doc-
Jan. 16, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch) umentation. Participants will also learn about
Session 2: Social and Emotional Learning: best practices related to enhancing cultural
Embedding SEL in the Daily Fabric of School Life competency and celebrating student diversity.
Feb. 24, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch)
Session 3: Formative Assessment: The Real Bullying Law Update and the
Driver of Instruction Role of the ABS
Mar. 25, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch) Jan. 27, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
Investigating Discrimination Director
Claims Fee: $150
Jan. 21, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA This session will include a review of the latest
Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL HIB case law, as well as a review of recently
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and approved regulatory changes and guidance
Content Development; Adam Drew, CEO, from the USDOE and NJDOE. Participants will
Three Corners Law Enforcement; Rebecca also learn about the critical role of the ABS
Gold, Retired Director of Human Resources in addressing school climate, and receive a
model template and samples for developing
Fee: $150 meaningful action plans for School Safety/
When allegations of discrimination are made Climate teams.
involving school employees or students, it’s
essential that the matter is investigated promptly,
effectively and legally. This workshop will provide The Connected Action Roadmap:
you with the tools you need to develop and carry
out investigation plans, including strategies for A Systemic Process for Strengthening
gathering and reviewing documents, questioning Teaching, Leading, and Learning (PSEL
techniques to help you get to the truth and a Standards 4, 7, and 10)
review of procedural steps that must be taken. Jan. 27, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Participants will receive model templates and
sample investigation reports, learn how to Presenters: Donna McInerney, Vicki Duff, and
develop and carry out an investigation action Emil Carafa, FEA
plan, learn from prior case law and review real Fee: $149
world scenarios. Improving student learning and strengthening
teacher practice require a systemic and
Unpacking and Taking Action sustainable process, driven by the collaborative
work of PLCs and shared leadership. The
With Your School’s NJ Performance Connected Action Roadmap (CAR) provides a
Report (PSEL Standards 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, coherent approach to curriculum, instruction,
and 10) assessment and school climate that builds a
common language and understanding and
Jan. 22, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm at FEA shifts the focus of educators from compliance
Presenters: Anthony Scotto, Director and programs to process and effective
of Curriculum & Instruction, Hamilton practices. Endorsed by the NJ Department
Township School District of Education and the leading educational
Fee: $100 organizations across the state, the CAR
Your school’s NJ Performance Report includes a framework was recently used by teams of
educators from across the state working with
wealth of data, but transforming that data into the NJDOE to develop K-12 ELA and Math
actionable steps can be challenging. During instructional units with common student
this session, participants will work with their learning objectives derived from the NJ
own performance reports* to apply a “step- Student Learning Standards. These resources,
by-step” process to interpret each section of when combined with the CAR conversations,
the NJ Performance Report. Strategies and offer a powerful toolkit for PLCs to develop
tools for developing a plan to promote school a shared understanding of the standards,
improvement will then be shared and next strengthen teacher practice and improve
steps explored including communicating the student learning outcomes.
performance report to district faculty and
other stakeholder groups. *Participants should
bring a printed or electronic copy of their own
performance reports. New Jersey Leadership Academy
(PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5, 10 and Teacher
Implicit Bias, Equity, Leader Domain IV, V, and VI)
Investigations, and the Law Series 6, Cohort 8 at Egg Harbor
Jan. 23, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA LEADing for an Equitable System of
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Teaching and Learning
Director; Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA and NJASA
Human Resources; Joanne Sung, Assistant
Superintendent, North Plainfield School Target Audience: K-12 Administrators and
District; Cynthia Assini, K-12 Supervisor Teacher-Leaders; Teams Encouraged
of Social Studies/Gifted and Talented, Fee: $450 for the series
Hillsborough Township Public Schools Who among us would not agree that every child
Fee: $150 has the right to equitable learning opportunities in
Conducting a comprehensive investigation his/her school and classrooms? Creating a system
incorporating key elements of an Investigation that focuses on equity requires a combination
Plan. Topics to be discussed include: essen- of an intentional plan for establishing a rich and
inclusive learning environment, a set of expec-
26 tial facts, keys to success, identifying issues,