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HIB Law Update                    model for student athlete practice session "lesson
     Nov. 15, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm              plans" and a review of key requirements related to
                                             supervising student athletes during school athletic
     at Moorestown Township Public Schools   events, in the locker room, during the school day
     Presenter: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL ONE   and away from school.
     Coordinator for Online Course Development  More than 100 NJ school districts will be required
     Fee: $150                               to launch summer meals programs in 2020 under
     This session will provide an overview of the   a new state law. NJ Department of Agriculture
     latest developments in state and federal   will host a required training in January 2020
     law, including case law, emerging trends,   for schools interested in becoming summer
     cyberbullying, and the most recent guidance   meal sponsors, so school leaders are strongly
     from the NJ and US Departments of Education.   encouraged to start planning now. NJPSA
     Participants will gain an understanding of key   members are welcome to invite your district
     steps on complex issues such as addressing   Business Administrators, Superintendents, and
     incidents involving students with disabilities,   Supervisors to this session.
     when and how to involve the affirmative action
     officer and how to address allegations that staff
     members have bullied students.               Historically Underserved
                                             Students Taking Higher Mathematics
     Thanks to our sponsors, this workshop   in the Middle School (PSEL Standards
     (and lunch) are now free!               3, 4, 5, and 10)
                                             Nov. 19, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     Nourishing Your Students: How to        Presenter: George Guy, Principal, Cherry Hill
     Claim Federal Dollars, Combat Hunger,   Schools
     and Remove a Major Obstacle to          Target Audience: K-12 Administrators and
     Learning (PSEL Standards 5 and 8)       Teacher-Leaders
     Nov. 15, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm at FEA       Fee: $149
     Presenters: NJ Department of Agriculture,   This session will explore the use of data, schedul-
     Hunger Free New Jersey, School leaders  ing, professional development, access and equity
                                             frameworks, and cultural proficiency in moving
     Fee: Free (but you must register)       historically underserved Grade 6 math students
     Co-sponsored by NJPSA, Hunger Free New   into a higher Grade 7 math class. This accelera-
     Jersey, and the New Jersey Food for Thought   tion model includes professional development
     Campaign.                               supports for Grade 7 math teachers, scheduling
     Child nutrition is directly tied to children’s   changes that support pre-teaching, interven-
     health and education outcomes. Federal child   tions, enrichment, and counseling supports for
     nutrition programs, like school breakfast,   students and parents. This work in the Cherry Hill
     summer meals, and afterschool meals, have   schools is ongoing. The pilot is now at all three
     been proven to improve student behavior,   middle schools and it is hoped that the district
     attendance and academic achievement. School   will graduate more underserved students from
     leaders play a critical role in ensuring that   Grade 8 who have taken Algebra and who are
     students have access to healthy food, both in   on their way to Calculus in high school.
     and out of school time!
     Join us for this informative panel discussion   WEBINAR
     and strategy session designed to help school
     leaders implement successful child nutrition    Implicit Bias, Disproportionality,
     programs. Feeding your students means   Discipline, and the Law
     removing a major barrier to learning, while   Nov. 19, 2019; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
     bringing federal dollars into the district!  Presenters: John Worthington, Esq., LEGAL
     You will hear from school leaders about   ONE; Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of
     their programs, challenges, and strategies   Human Resources
     for success. Advocates will share a variety of
     resources (e.g., funding, technical assistance)   Fee: $40
     for program implementation.             We all have implicit biases. But if we fail to recog-
     Advocates will also provide an overview of new   nize our biases and take concerted steps to miti-
                                             gate their impact, they have the potential to lead
     state school breakfast and summer meals laws   to unfair and potentially discriminatory treatment
     and requirements.                       of students, parents and staff. This workshop will
                                             provide participants with an understanding of
        Coaches' Due Process Rights and      the key legal requirements that are in place to
     Evaluation and Duty to Supervise        ensure that all districts take thoughtful steps to
                                             recognize, reduce and respond to implicit biases
     Athletes                                and ensure that students and other stakeholders
     Nov. 18, 2019; 9:30 am - 12:30 pm at    are treated fairly at all times.
     NJSIAA - New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic
     Association                                     Hot Issues in School Law
     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     Director; John Dicolo, CMAA, Retired District   Nov. 19, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     Director of Health, Physical Education and   Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     Athletics, Jefferson Township High School  Director
     Fee: $125                               Fee: $150
     Register at              This workshop will address current develop-
     This workshop will provide a review of due   ments in a variety of legal issues, including HIB
                                             case law and legislative issues, TEACHNJ regula-
     process rights for coaches and student athletes, a   tions and Arbitration Decisions, student safety,
     framework for supervising & evaluating coaches, a   recent legislative enactments, social media, First
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