Page 21 - PDCalFall2019-web
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Amendment rights and responsibilities, and dents’ learning, behavior and health difficulties,
other current and ongoing school law topics. consistent with the New Jersey Department of
Education’s Tiered System of Supports. Emphasis
New Jersey Leadership Academy will be placed on collaborative consultation and
strategies and techniques for using objective data,
(PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5, 10 and Teacher school and community resources, and creativity in
Leader Domain IV, V, and VI) problem solving and planning I&RS cases. There
will be a focus on applying structure and system-
Series 6, Cohort 5 at FEA atic procedures to the coordinated planning and
LEADing for an Equitable System of delivery of effective programs of I&RS.
Teaching and Learning
Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA and NJASA Attendance, Residency, and
Target Audience: K-12 Administrators and Homelessness Issues
Teacher-Leaders; Teams Encouraged Nov. 20, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at MUJC
Fee: $450 for the series Presenters: Paula Clark, Esq, Director of Human
Who among us would not agree that every child Resources, Compliance, and Labor Relations,
has the right to equitable learning opportunities in Wayne Township Public Schools; Diahann
his/her school and classrooms? Creating a system DeRuggiero, MSW, M.Ed., Regional Director,
that focuses on equity requires a combination McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless And
of an intentional plan for establishing a rich and Youth Program
inclusive learning environment, a set of expec- Fee: $150
tations that guide the sound implementation of This workshop will provide information about
that plan, and ongoing and deep conversations the legal requirements pertaining to student
with stakeholders. What structures does a system attendance, residency and homelessness issues
that emphasizes equitable opportunities for every — including what constitutes excused absences,
learner have in place? How do leaders create legally required steps for developing attendance
and maintain a focus on a system in which every improvement plans and when to involve the
learner is provided with the means and resources court system. Participants will also gain an un-
to achieve success? derstanding of how to properly determine resi-
How do leaders facilitate conversations that lead dency, including forms of documentation to be
to the actions that ensure students are thriving considered, the rights of students not residing
together and that those students who have been with their parents or legal guardians, and the
historically underserved are successful in their due process involved when there is a dispute
educational journey? over student residency. Legal issues includ-
Participants in NJLA 6 will engage with a com- ing eligibility, resources and services available
munity of learners to consider strategies and to homeless students will also be addressed.
actions to build a system in which equity for all Participants will be provided with resources and
students is viewed through the lens of: best practices for addressing chronic absentee-
• A system for standards-based curriculum ism. Participants will also be provided with strat-
design and implementation in which edu- egies for conducting residency investigations.
cators collectively develop and implement
curricular and cross-curricular units of study
that provide access to rich diverse learning Three "C"s of Leadership
opportunities; That Impact School Culture
• An environment that supports and strength- (PSEL Standards 1, 6, and 7)
ens a belief system that focuses on the Nov. 21, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
integration of social and emotional learning Presenter: Dan Simon, FEA Consultant
into all facets of school life; and
• The development of formative assessments Fee: $149
that drive the instructional cycle, improve Many significant factors influence a school's
student outcomes, and increase each child’s success, perhaps none greater than the culture in
potential for taking ownership in mastering which teachers teach and students learn. In this
their learning goals. workshop, participants will focus on the impact
of communication, connection, and character on
Session 1: Rethinking Curriculum: The Journey stakeholder relationships and explore practices
Toward a More Equitable Curriculum that model expectations designed to shift
Nov. 20, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch) attitudes, behaviors, and interactions in a direction
Session 2: Social and Emotional Learning: conducive to positive change.
Embedding SEL in the Daily Fabric of School Life
Jan. 6, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch) Learning and Growing From Real
Session 3: Formative Assessment: The Real World Challenges
Driver of Instruction
Feb. 3, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch) Nov. 21, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
Director; Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of
Intervention and Referral Human Resources; Paula Clark, Esq, Director
Services: The Next Generation of Human Resources, Compliance, and Labor
Relations, Wayne Township Public Schools;
(PSEL Standards, 3, 5, and 10) Charity L. Fues, Director of Human Resources,
Nov. 20, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School
Presenter: Gary Vermiere, FEA Consultant District; Barbara B. Ball, Human Resources
Fee: $149 Specialist, Westfield Public Schools and
Naomi Conklin, J.D., HR & Compliance
This activity-based session is designed to provide Manager, Westwood Regional Schools
I&RS team members and school staff responsible
for I&RS with specific concepts, tools, techniques, Fee: $150
and practice in assessing and addressing stu- This day will provide strategies for dealing with