Page 13 - 40thAnniversaryNJPSA
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          From the beginning, LEGAL ONE sought to go                 In recent years, LEGAL ONE has developed
          beyond simply lecturing about School Law, and to           numerous courses, programs, and series to address
          find innovative ways to engage and educate.                the most critical issues affecting school leaders,
                                                                     educators, students, and communities. Here are just
          By the Spring of 2009, LEGAL ONE had launched              a few examples:
          a series of four comprehensive online courses to
          complement its in-person training. These online            In 2013, seeing the need for school staff to
          courses included real-world scenarios, acted               understand and address the growing phenomenon
          out (often by NJPSA and FEA staff!) in order to            of student suicide, LEGAL ONE partnered with
          dramatize key legal principles. Scenario-based             the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
          learning has been a hallmark of LEGAL ONE ever             and Rutgers University to create Signs Matter, an
          since, while LEGAL ONE’s library of online course          online course intended to assist school employees
          offerings has grown from the four original courses to      in identifying the signs that a student may be
          dozens of courses today.                                   experiencing suicidal ideation, and/or other mental
                                                                     health needs.
          In 2011, following the adoption of New Jersey’s Anti-
          Bullying Bill of Rights, the New Jersey Department         In 2015, LEGAL ONE launched its first multi-day
          of Education reached out to LEGAL ONE, along with          Certificate Program for Anti-Bullying Specialists and
          the New Jersey State Police, to develop a training         Coordinators. Since then, more than a thousand
          program on how to effectively conduct investigations       school-level professionals have completed this
          of bullying allegations.                                   program, which evolved in early 2020 to become a
                                                                     self-paced online program.
          In 2012, with the demand for LEGAL ONE services
          growing exponentially, NJPSA Legal Counsel                 In 2016, LEGAL ONE launched its monthly one-
          David Nash moved from part-time LEGAL ONE                  hour webinar series, providing yet another way for
          Coordinator to full-time LEGAL ONE Director, a             members to get the latest information on quickly
          role that has since expanded to include Director           evolving legal issues.
          of National Outreach.  Sandra Jacques, Esq.,
          LL.M., who had been a LEGAL ONE Consultant                 In 2018, through the efforts of Michael Kaelber,
          since 2011, became a LEGAL ONE Staff Attorney/             Esq., LEGAL ONE once again expanded its
          Supervisor of Legal Research and Content                   offerings to include webinars for school attorneys.
          Development in 2014.
                                                                     In 2020, LEGAL ONE launched the fully self-paced
          In 2017, Ameena Terrell took over as LEGAL ONE’s           ABS Online Certificate Program, which allowed
          Administrative Coordinator and has since been              participants to complete the equivalent of more
          promoted to LEGAL ONE Program Coordinator/                 than three days of in-person training through a self-
          Analyst.                                                   paced format, while still providing opportunities for
                                                                     interaction with LEGAL ONE attorneys.

                                                                     In 2021, LEGAL ONE created The LEGAL ONE
                                                                     Podcast as another means to reach our members.
                                                                     LEGAL ONE also launched its Anti-Bullying
                                                                     Professional Advanced Certificate of Mastery, which
                                                                     builds on the ABS Certificate Program.
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