Page 14 - 40thAnniversaryNJPSA
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            Your Voice on Legislation and Policy

          NJPSA members count on the professionalism, talent,        many legislators, including legislative leadership, education
          and diligence of the Government Relations team to          committee chairs, NJ Department of Education and legislative
          best represent their interests before the U.S. Congress,   staff, the Governor’s office, administration personnel, and
          State Legislature, Governor’s Office, State Board of       her peers in our partnering education organizations. In 2018,
          Education, and other federal and state agencies on all     Jennie Lamon, former Chief of Staff for Senator Diane Allen,
          issues affecting the quality of public education in the    joined the team as Assistant Director, bringing her direct
          state. NJPSA’s Government Relations (GR) staff analyzes,   legislative experience, connections and perspective to the
          monitors, and participates in the legislative and regulatory   work.
          process advocating on proposed legislation, code
          provisions, and policies affecting public schools and      Member Engagement
          school leaders.

                                                                     The GR Team strives to engage members in developing
          The GR staff develops association positions and advocacy
          priorities through direct interaction with NJPSA members   the advocacy positions of the association through the
          via NJPSA committees, member surveys, and meetings. By     extensive NJPSA committee structure, including its
          developing trusting relationships with the decision makers   active and engaged Legislative Committee. Members
          at all levels of government, the GR staff has access to those   are also encouraged to present the perspective of principals
          who ultimately write, pass, and uphold legislation that affects   and supervisors by opening their schools for legislator
          all NJPSA members and their schools and districts. NJPSA’s   “principal-shadowing” visits during National Principals Month
          GR Team communicates these views formally through official   each October, joining GR staff for lobbying visits in local
          testimony during legislative committee hearings and Board   legislator offices and on Capitol Hill, and by member service
          meetings, as well as informally through direct conversations   on numerous legislative, agency-led or executive branch
          with state and federal lawmakers. They also work closely with   task forces, focus groups, and commissions that have been
          NJPSA’s communications team to craft editorials, member    established over the years.
          alerts, and legislative updates to keep NJPSA members’
          perspectives at the forefront of education policy discussions in   To ensure member input on issues in real time and to promote
          New Jersey.                                                member networking and collegial learning, the GR Team also
                                                                     initiates NJPSA Member Roundtable Discussions on “hot”
                                                                     topics, including those that were held regularly throughout
          For the past 30 years, Debra Bradley, Esq. has led the
          government relations efforts for NJPSA. She prides herself   the pandemic to bring members’ needs, challenges, and
          on building strong bipartisan working relationships with   perspectives to key decision-makers in the Governor’s Office,
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