Page 18 - 40thAnniversaryNJPSA
P. 18

NJPSA has been part of all of these conversations and      statewide tax increase to pay for it. The QEA redistributed
          has participated in the legislative process and the policy   millions in state aid from over 200 school districts that would
          development world of the NJDOE and State Board of          see the loss of most if not all their state aid to poor urban
          Education on behalf of NJPSA members. Consider the         districts and about 350 districts that would see state aid
          following to be a written slideshow of our advocacy work   increases.
          over the decades:
                                                                     What followed was a public uproar where the sales tax,
                 1. School Funding - Abbott v. Burke                 cigarette, and “toilet paper taxes” became the symbol of a
                     Begins the 1990s with “Equity and               government that had simply gone too far (and perhaps gotten
                     Adequacy” – Ripple Effects                      too personal?). It should be noted that Governor Florio and
                     Continue Today                                  the Legislature also enacted the strongest assault weapon
                                                                     ban in the nation at the same time, so public controversy
          In the spring of 1990, during an economic recession, the   was evident on more than one front. Grassroots taxpayer
          landmark New Jersey Supreme Court case of Abbott v.        revolts organically sprouted across the state led by “Hands
          Burke issued, finding the state’s school funding statute to   Across New Jersey.” As the new tax package supported our
          be unconstitutional as applied to students attending school   public schools, NJPSA was on the side of the angels or the
          in 28 largely urban school districts in our state. The Court’s   devils, depending upon your perspective. In the 1991 midterm
          remedy ordered the State Legislature to enact a new school   elections, the State Legislature would flip from Democratic
          funding formula by the 1991-92 school year that would      majorities in both houses to veto-proof Republican majorities in
          ensure a “foundational level” of funding that was “substantially   both houses.
          equivalent to” the funding levels in the suburban school
          districts in the state AND that was “adequate” in the sense that   In this battle, as in all discussions of school funding, NJPSA
          it provided for supplemental programs needed to address the   represented all New Jersey school districts and their interests.
          extreme disadvantages experienced by poor, urban children in   It is our mission to present the needs of all members’ districts,
          the 28 Abbott districts.                                   so legislators understand the complexity of school district
                                                                     costs, budgets, local fair share contributions under New
          By the June 1990 budget (FY 1991), Governor Jim Florio and   Jersey’s taxing structures, the needs of all students, and the
          the Democratic Majority Legislature had enacted the Quality   school costs associated with meeting them. On funding issues,
          Education Act (QEA), a new school funding formula to comply   NJPSA has worked in coalition with our partners in public
          with the edicts of Abbott, and a comprehensive $2.8 billion   education from public education groups like the NJEA,
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