Page 21 - 40thAnniversaryNJPSA
P. 21
2008 2014
The Anti-Bullying Task Force
is established, and chaired by
NJPSA expands its NJPSA Executive Director Pat
headquarters at 12 Centre Wright, to provide guidance to
Drive by completing an school districts and to present
addition with multiple office recommendations regarding NJPSA partners with NJASA
spaces, meeting rooms, and the implementation of ABR. to create the New Jersey
classrooms. The complex is Leadership Academy,
now called the FEA Conference 2011 a professional learning
Center. opportunity that encourages
the sharing of expertise Jay Doolan retires, and Donna
Pension and benefits across leadership roles and McInerney is named CEO of FEA.
reforms raise the responsibilities. NJLA provides
retirement age for new sustained professional NJDOE adopts Teacher
enrollees from 60 to 62 learning over three sessions Leader Endorsement
and limited sick leave and ensures a process for Regulations.
payouts at retirement to continuous improvement.
$15,000. The NJPSA/FEA/NJASCD 2020
Fall Conference moves to the NJPSA reaches more
JoAnn Bartoletti retires from Ocean Place Resort in Long than 6,000 premier active The COVID-19 pandemic
NJPSA and is named Executive Branch. members. forces school buildings
Director of the National to close and learning to
Association of Secondary be conducted remotely.
School Principals. NJPSA/FEA staff shift to
2012 remote working, and all
professional learning,
LEGAL ONE is created as NJEXCEL classes, and NJL2L
an FEA program to deliver peer/mentoring sessions
high-quality legal training to are now held online.
New Jersey school leaders, as
required by recently passed Pat Wright announces her
legislation. Bob Murphy joins NJPSA intention to retire, but
as Director of Retirement remains in her role to lead
New Jersey adopts the Services, and now also serves the organization through
School Funding Reform as Assistant Executive Director. the pandemic.
Act (SFRA). Patricia Wright is named
Executive Director of NJPSA.
Celebrating 40 Years of Supporting NJ School Leaders!
2010 2013 2015
Common Core State
Standards are officially
adopted detailing what
K–12 students throughout
the United States should The first cohort of NJTLC
know in English language begins its journey to achieve
arts and mathematics at Tony Scannella retires, and Jay the NJDOE-approved Teacher
the conclusion of each Doolan is named CEO of FEA. Leader Endorsement.
school grade.
AchieveNJ is adopted 2021-22
by the State Board of
Education, changing the
educator evaluation and NJPSA performs a
support system. communications audit and
develops new logos, branding,
FEA is awarded a $5 web site presence, and
million USDOE school social media, and renews
leadership grant to its commitment to focus all
NJPSA members joined support the high-needs energies on its members as Pat Wright retires, and Karen
trusted partners.
35,000 educators and other districts of Millville, Bingert is named Executive
stakeholders in Trenton Bridgeton, and Trenton New Jersey schools Director of NJPSA. Rooms
to protest Governor Chris over five years. administer PARCC A,B,C,D of the FEA Conference
Christie’s proposed education Pat Wright introduces the for the first time. The Center are renamed The Pat
cuts, which ranged from salary Connected Action Roadmap controversial assessments Wright Center for Leadership
freezes to pension cuts to (CAR), a process that were criticized for being and Learning.
school tax caps. Our statewide empowers PLCs to operate too difficult and time
campaign featured a large more effectively and connects consuming, and were
band aid with the saying “Cuts standards with student ended in 2019.
Hurt Kids.” learning. CAR will become
the vision of the NJDOE for 2016
teaching and learning in New
Jersey schools. NJPSA joins other leading The New Jersey State
educational organizations Board of Education adopts
to form the NJ Public the New Jersey Student
School Labor-Management Learning Standards.
Collaborative to facilitate
greater collaboration among
unions and management.
NJPSA adopts its Guiding
Beliefs for Learning Leaders. NJPSA members gather at
Borgata in Atlantic City to
celebrate the 40th Anniversary
of the association.