Page 13 - iA Excellence -Field Underwriting Guide - Updated on July 2019
P. 13

               This report is provided by the applicant’s attending  iA Excellence incurs the costs for APS requests and
               physician or specialist(s), describing the applicant’s  when provided by an approved paramedical service
               medical history. It may include copies of consultation  provider, will also incur the costs for all medical
               notes, test results or copies of reports from other  requirements.
               Sometimes the underwriter will ask for a copy of   VALIDITY OF THE MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS
               the applicant’s medical file from a hospital archives   All underwriting documents and requirements are
               department.                                     valid for one year.
                                                               However, a declaration of good health must
               Obtaining an APS from doctors and/or hospitals
               usually takes around 10 business days and will   be obtained on delivery when the last declared
               often lengthen the time required to underwrite an   information is more than three months old.
                                                               SHARING OF MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS BETWEEN
                                                               INSURANCE COMPANIES
               REGULAR INVESTIGATION                           As is common practice within the insurance industry,
               This investigation questionnaire, administered by   iA Excellence will share any valid medical requirements.
               telephone by a qualified and approved service provider,   The following conditions apply:
               will establish the stability of applicants with regards to
               their:                                          —  When providing medical requirements to
                                                                   another insurance company, we will ask for a
               —  Financial situation                              copy of an appropriate authorization from the
               —  Employment                                       applicant.
               —  Lifestyle                                    —  When requiring medical requirements from
                                                                   another insurance company, we will provide
               It also verifies:                                   the other insurer with a copy of the appropriate
               —  Criminal record (when permitted by the province)   applicant authorization.
               —  Motor vehicle record, given special authorization
                   from the applicant


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