Page 9 - iA Excellence -Field Underwriting Guide - Updated on July 2019
P. 9

Setting expectations
               It is important to prepare the applicant for the  While a phone interview takes 30 minutes on
               underwriting process. The more prepared and  average,  it  may  last  between  20  and 45  minutes
               informed your applicant is on the process and what  depending on the applicant’s conditions.
               to expect, the greater the likelihood of placing a   You can order a phone interview as part of the
               case that takes longer to underwrite or that may be   application process in Section 12 of the application
               issued with an exclusion, modification or rating.   (AP-ALLE), “Telephone Interview Order”. In this
               Some tips to help you set expectations with your  section, we ask for the best times to call for the
               applicants:                                     interview, as well as the best number to reach the
               —  Simple medical conditions, such as back pain or   applicant.
                   tendinitis, are irrelevant for life insurance, but
                   would require a thorough investigation when   INTERVIEW CONTENT
                   underwriting for disability insurance.      The interviewer will collect the following information:
               —  The benefit amount is very closely tied to  —  Details regarding occupation and income
                   income, in that these two amounts are evaluated   —  Family medical history
                   and the benefit amount is limited accordingly
                   in order to mitigate over-insurance. For further   —  Personal medical history
                   details, see the Financial underwriting section.  —  Life style and habits, such as smoking, alcohol
                                                                   and drug use, sports and avocations, and foreign
               Medical requirements based on age and amount        travel
               typically start at lower benefit amounts for disability
               insurance than for life insurance (please see section   —  Motor vehicle record
               Underwriting requirements: What are they ? for our  —  Criminal record
               age and amounts requirements charts).
                                                               THE PROCESS
               Non-life-threatening conditions can be very disabling,   The applicant will be contacted within 24 hours after
               such as back pain, tendinitis or anxiety. Quite often   receiving the application to make an appointment for
               this leads the underwriter to customize the disability   the interview. The interview itself will happen within
               insurance to fit the applicant’s situation. However,   the next five working days, unless the applicant is
               this also means that a higher percentage of offers   not available.
               will include exclusion riders, modifications of the
               waiting period and/or extra premiums.           If the applicant is not available on the appointment
                                                               date, a  message will  be left  indicating  that he  or
               THE PHONE INTERVIEW
               Our phone interview is a popular underwriting   she will be contacted again to arrange for a new
               alternative that offers many benefits to you  and   appointment.
               your clients.                                   If the applicant does not call back in the next 24
                                                               hours, another call will be made to reschedule the
               If you have not taken advantage of this process,
               give it a try. Experienced, professionally trained   appointment.
               interviewers are used to conduct the phone  If the applicant is not available for the second
               interview with your client. They will collect the  appointment time, the following will happen:

               information required by the underwriters to assess  —  We will call you for help with rescheduling the
               the insurable risk for life or disability insurance.  appointment;
               For most of our applicants, by using our phone  —  If we do not get a response, a second call will
               interview, instead of the paramedical questionnaire,   be made to you for help.
               we are able to gather all the information necessary   If the above-noted attempts do not allow us to
               through one phone call.                         perform the phone interview, the application will be


                                                                                               For exclusive use by Financial Advisors
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