Page 7 - iA Excellence -Field Underwriting Guide - Updated on July 2019
P. 7

Foreign travel
               GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS                          FOREIGN TRAVEL DEFINED
               The factors that affect consideration of applicants  Foreign travel is considered:
               who plan foreign travel can change very quickly.   —  One or more trips outside Canada or the United
               These guidelines should not be substituted for      States that total one month or more within the
               common sense. The current political, environmental,   same year, for the previous two years; and/or
               military, criminal and health factors for each country
               or area where the travel is contemplated must be   —  For the next two years, trips to a maximum of
               considered.                                         six months.
               Travel history for the two years prior to the   The travel can be for vacation, family visits or
               application is of interest; however, underwriting is   business.
               primarily based on future contemplation of travel  Periods longer than six months would be classified
               and not on past history.                        as temporary foreign residence and would be

               An offer with an exclusion of a particular country,   underwritten accordingly. See TEMPORARY FOREIGN
               or countries, is applied when possible. If not, the   RESIDENCY under the section Foreign residency
               application will be declined. The exclusion rider   above.
               usually applies up to two years after returning to
               Canada, with no contemplation of such travel again
               within the next two years.
               Humanitarian, volunteering and missionary travels
               usually lead to a decline of the application.


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