Page 5 - iA Excellence -Field Underwriting Guide - Updated on July 2019
P. 5

DISABILITY EXCLUSION RIDERS AND                 Sometimes, without being fraudulent, an applicant
               MODIFICATIONS (NOTICE OF DISCREPANCY)           may unwillingly omit to disclose medical, non-
               When assessing disability applications, these  medical or financial information, or reduce its
               represent the most common method of handling a  importance.
               medically impaired risk. Exclusion riders are used in   According  to  the  incontestability  clause  of  the
               underwriting  disability  every  time  it  is  possible  to   contract, if a claim is submitted within two years of
               do so. By excluding coverage for disability arising   the policy, we are entitled to verify the medical, non-
               from an existing impairment, we are able to grant   medical and financial history of the insured.
               insurance against disability from all other causes
               instead of declining the application.           If misrepresentation is found, in addition to denying
                                                               the claim, we may rescind or modify the contract
               Modifications could be for:
                                                               according to the established insurability of the
               —  Smoker rates                                 insured based on the new information received. It
               —  Different occupational class                 is, therefore, very important to inform your clients to
                                                               make full disclosure to the best of their knowledge
               —  Extending the waiting period
                                                               when answering the questions asked at the time
               —  Reducing the benefit period                  of their application and during the underwriting
               —  Reducing the amount applied for              process.

               —  Offering a different “own occupation” definition
                                                               Eligibility considerations

               Dealing with your client
                                                               Landed immigrants/Permanent residents
               Pre-qualifying your client                      If you have clients who are not yet Canadian citizens,

               In order to manage the expectations of your client   you may be able to offer them full coverage under
               and make efficient use of your time, we have added   certain conditions.
               five quick eligibility questions to our application (AP-  Permanent  residents  are  eligible  for  our  fully
               ALLE) on page 2: Pre-requisite for Eligibility for our  underwritten disability products without any
               Superior Program and Universal Loan Insurance.  limitations.
               Use this tool to determine the coverages that your   Temporary residents, such as nannies under the
               client may be eligible for.                     Live-In Care Giver program or newcomers with a
               In addition, you should also review our list of  valid work permit, may be easily insurable as well,
               Automatic Denials in Appendix A before meeting  subject to some limitations. In such cases, eligibility
               with your client.                               needs to be managed by the Head Office.
                                                                 • If in Canada for more than three years: Most
               The illustration is an important part of the application   of them are insurable without any limitations,
               that must be submitted with the application. Both   and no proof of residency is requested.
               the application and the illustration must be signed
               by the applicant. Should there be a difference    • If in Canada for less than three years:
               between  the  application  and  the  illustration,  the   Waiting period is 90 days, and maximum
               signed illustration will be used for the underwriting   benefit period is two years.
               process, and a signed notice of discrepancy to the   Special medical requirements, such as hepatitis
               contract will be required upon delivery.          screening, etc., may be required if the time of
                                                                 arrival in Canada is less than one (1) year.
               Fraudulent applications jeopardize our ability to
               effectively maintain valuable disability coverage for
               customers at competitive prices. The intent is to
               protect the insurer and its policyholders from any
               fraudulent activity.                                                                                5

                                                                                               For exclusive use by Financial Advisors
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