Page 6 - iA Excellence -Field Underwriting Guide - Updated on July 2019
P. 6
Language Smoking
Due to the importance of understanding the SMOKER RATES
contractual definitions and exclusions for disability Smoker rates are charged if, within twelve months
insurance, it is recommended that your client be prior to the application, your client has used any form
able to speak and read either English or French. of tobacco or other substances, including cigarettes,
However, we will not deny eligibility to coverage cigarillos, cigars (see SPECIAL TOLERANCE below),
based only on language. If your client does not pipes, nicotine patch/gum, electronic cigarette,
understand English or French, you could, as their smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco or snuff),
advisor, act as a translator, or make use of a betel nuts, shisha, hookah/water pipe or if there is
translator (even a family member can be used as cotinine in the urinalysis when this test is required.
long as he or she is not the beneficiary under the Use of marijuana only (no tobacco) is considered
contract). non–smoker.
If a translator is used, the insured must complete, date
and sign a Declaration of Understanding form (see CHANGE FROM SMOKER TO NON-SMOKER RATES
our website or Assure&go When an applicant who is insured as a smoker
for a complete list of available languages) in the quits smoking (all tobacco as described above) for
language used to explain the product, in addition to a consecutive 12-month period of time, he or she
completing the application. may apply for non-smoking rates. The policy must
have been in force for one year, and the reason for
Foreign residency quitting must not be related to a health problem.
To be eligible for coverage, clients must have a Our Tobacco use questionnaire must be completed.
full-time Canadian residence. Clients who intend The underwriter may require a urinalysis as part of
to reside outside Canada are typically ineligible for the process.
TEMPORARY FOREIGN RESIDENCY Non-smoker rates are charged if, within the twelve
On a case-by-case basis, temporary foreign residency months prior to the application, your client has NOT
may be considered if: used any form of tobacco or other substances,
— The applicant spends 181 days in Canada; or including cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars (see SPECIAL
TOLERANCE below), pipes, nicotine patch/gum,
— The applicant continues to pay his income taxes electronic cigarette, smokeless tobacco (chewing
in Canada; and tobacco or snuff), betel nuts, shisha, hookah/water
— The country of destination is economically, pipe and if there is NO cotinine in the urinalysis
socially and politically stable and does not when this test is required.
necessitate rating or exclusion according to our The use of marijuana only (no tobacco) does not
Internal Medical Underwriting Manual. prevent the client from having a non-smoker rate.
An occasional cigar smoker may be considered for
non-smoker rates if ALL of the following conditions
are met:
— Smoking is limited to 18 cigars or less per year
— Smoking details are fully disclosed in the
— Urinalysis, if needed, shows no cotinine
— There are no other smoking-related
For exclusive use by Financial Advisors