Page 3 - iA Excellence -Field Underwriting Guide - Updated on July 2019
P. 3
The risk selection process is a joint responsibility shared
between you and iA Excellence, and we value this partnership
with you. The long-term availability of a competitive product
and the viability of a strong company are dependent upon this
partnership and our shared responsibility towards sound risk
management and risk selection.
After meeting with clients face-to-face, you may have
impressions about their motivation to purchase insurance. We
encourage you to share these impressions with the underwriter
in the application (Application - Underwritten Products (P1)
(AP-ALLE)) under “Additional information” (section 11) or in a
separate memo.
This guide is presented as a tool designed to help you manage
the expectations of your clients and to help you invest your
time wisely with people who are likely to qualify for disability
insurance. While this guide focuses on disability insurance, we
have also included useful information about life insurance.
However, it is important to always remember that this is only a
For exclusive use by Financial Advisors