Page 12 - iA Excellence -Field Underwriting Guide - Updated on July 2019
P. 12

Medical underwriting requirements
               MIB REPORT                                      PARAMEDICAL EXAMINATION BY A NURSE
               MIB Inc. is a not-for-profit company used for the   (INCLUDING VITAL SIGNS)
               sharing of information between member insurance  This service, provided by iA Excellence-approved
               companies in order to assess an individual’s risk and  paramedical service providers, is a personal medical
               eligibility during the underwriting of life, health and  and lifestyle examination that is performed by
               disability income policies.                     a registered nurse using a questionnaire. The
                                                               paramedical takes place at a date, time and place
               With an authorization signed by the applicant,
               iA  Excellence will send an inquiry to MIB Inc. to   chosen by the applicant when he or she receives a
               check if the applicant is included in their database. If   call from the paramedical service provider to make
               so, MIB Inc. will provide us with the information on   the appointment. The questions included are very
               record. This information is sent in a coded format.   similar to the paramedical interview by telephone.
               MIB’s coded reports represent different medical   The nurse will also take the applicant’s vital signs:
               conditions and other conditions (typically, hazardous   height, weight, blood pressure and pulse.
               hobbies  and  adverse  driving  records)  that  affect  Help prepare the applicant:
               the insurability of the applicant. Should this coded  Provide the applicant with the document Preparing
               information be inconsistent with the applicant’s  for your phone interview or paramedical exam (see
               declarations, further investigation may be required.   APPENDIX B).
               We may also contribute such information to MIB   BLOOD PROFILE AND URINE HIV
               Inc. that may be useful to other members who later   Blood and urine samples will be taken. In order to
               search the database with the authorization of the   obtain this, the applicant will have to sign a consent
               insurance applicant. Information will also be in a   form authorizing the registered nurse to take the
               coded format.
                                                               samples. The blood and urine samples will be
               Below are two examples of the type of information   sent to a laboratory for processing by qualified lab
               provided by MIB, Inc.:                          technicians. It is important that the applicant informs
               Example 1                                       the nurse of any medication currently being taken.
               Diabetes, treatment with insulin, diagnosed within   Help prepare the applicant :
               three to  five years  from the  date of the  coded   In order to avoid repeated testing or appointment
                                                               rescheduling, it is important for the applicant to:
               Example 2                                       —  Fast (no food or beverages, except water) for
               Three moving violations other than “Driving Under   six hours prior to the appointment time;
               the influence” within the last three years from
               the  time  the  information  was  coded.  Information   —  Take medications as usual, but mention them to
                                                                   the registered nurse;
               obtained by the insured.
                                                               —  Inform the nurse when making the appointment
               TELEPHONE INTERVIEW                                 if it is difficult to find veins for blood withdrawal,
               See information provided under  Phone interview     or if there are problems such as blood clotting,
               above.                                              fainting,  nausea  or  bruises,  or  fear  of  needles.
                                                                   This will help the registered nurse come prepared
                                                                   for the appointment.


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