Page 28 - iA Excellence -Field Underwriting Guide - Updated on July 2019
P. 28
Class 2A: Any person whose occupational duties Class B: Any person whose occupational duties
involve less than or equal to 20% of time spent involve more than 20% of time spent on physical
on physical work. Some owners or managers of work in industries or work environments with a high
a business whose duties include supervision or exposure to occupational injury or illness.
inspection of plant operations usually qualify for this Example: exterminator, antenna assembler, truck
class. driver of gas, oil or other hazardous materials
(excluding explosives), all truckers in forestry
Example: interior designer, film developer, computer business, operator of forestry machines.
technician, locksmith, owner of a bowling alley
whose duties are supervision and management only. Class C: Any person performing more than 20%
Class 1A: Any person whose occupational duties physical work in an industry where there is a high
involve more than 20% of time spent on physical risk of injury or illness, or any person doing a trade
work in industries or work environments without where there is a high risk of injury or illness.
a high exposure to occupational injury or illness. Example: underground-mine workers, armoured
These are usually skilled manual workers. truck driver, fisherman.
Example: butcher, hairdresser, plumber, cleaner/
laundry, doorman, operator/power shovel, bus driver.
Occupational enhancement (not available with Acci-Jet)
We will allow an upgrade of the occupation • For the past two years, have a net annual
classification, subject to the following rules. In order income of:
to be eligible for this enhancement, the applicant - More than $35,000 for an occupational
class enhancement, in which case:
• Work outside the home over 50% of the time; s B is upgraded to 1A;
• Have at least three years of experience at the s 1A is upgraded to 2A; and
same company; s 2A is upgraded to 3A; or
- More than $60,000 for an occupational
• Meet one of the following criteria:
class enhancement, in which case 3A is
- Have at least five years of related upgraded to 4A.
experience; or
This enhancement allows you to offer a
- Have at least five employees reporting to lower premium to your client. To apply for the
him or her; and enhancement, it is important that you complete the
form available on our website and Assure&go.
5 years
3 years of Income
Works outside of related Income
Enhancement the home >50% with the same experience > $35,000 for > $60,000 for
the past
of time OR have 5 the past 2 years
company 2 years
B è 1A ü ü ü ü
1A è 2A ü ü ü ü
2A è 3A ü ü ü ü
3A è 4A ü ü ü ü
For exclusive use by Financial Advisors