Page 29 - iA Excellence -Field Underwriting Guide - Updated on July 2019
P. 29

LIMITATIONS                                   Change in occupation
                 An occupational class enhancement is          Once an occupational class is approved and the
                 not allowed for drivers/truckers, child care   contract issued, the occupational class is guaranteed,
                 educators, farm owners, forestry workers and   as long as the insured continues to work full-time
                 all occupations defined as Class C.           according to the definition of the contract. Even if
                                                               the insured’s new occupation represents a higher-
                                                               risk occupational class, the insured will continue to
               Multiple occupations with different             pay the lower premiums based on the occupational
               occupational classes                            class given at time of issue. However, in the event
               (to a maximum of two)                           of a disability claim, the “regular occupation”
               If an applicant has more than one occupation,  performed prior to the onset of disability will apply
               individual consideration will be given on a case-  under the contract’s definition of total disability.
               by-case basis. In general,  the applicant  would be   For example, an application for insurance is approved
               classified between the lowest occupational class   with occupational class 3A because the insured is
               and the highest occupational class, taking into   an office clerk and chose the “Extension to Age
               consideration the hours worked at each occupation   65”  option  for  his  Regular  occupation.  The  client
               and the percentage of income for each occupation.   later submits a disability claim and it is determined
               The definition of regular occupation would be that  that the pre-disability occupational class should be
               of the chosen class, and a discrepancy note would  B because the client is now working as a forestry
               have to be approved and signed by the applicant  truck driver. The maximum duration of the regular
               stating that in the case of a claim, in order for the  occupation  definition  will,  therefore,  be  limited  to
               applicant to be considered disabled, he or she must  5 years because “regular occupation to age 65” is
               be so for all the different occupations the applicant  not available for occupational class B. It is important
               has.                                            to note that only occupational classes B and C do
                                                               not qualify for an “Up to Age 65” regular occupation
               In such a case, because the underwriter has already
               applied a kind of enhancement to the occupational   definition.
               class, the applicant will not be eligible for the  Of  course,  this  does  not  prevent  a  client  from
               enhancement of occupational class provided by the  applying  for  a  modification  of  occupational  class
               contract.                                       should he or she change to an occupation that
                                                               represents less risk than the previous one. An
                                                               underwriter will review the new occupation, but no
                                                               other proof of insurability would be required.


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