Page 30 - iA Excellence -Field Underwriting Guide - Updated on July 2019
P. 30
Home-based workers
With more and more people working from home and more entrepreneurs starting small businesses from
home, the following guidelines have been developed to assist you in determining the eligibility of these
“Home-based worker” means a person who performs all or part of his/her job at home and is able to
submit supporting proof of income.
% of Time Restrictions
Type Worked at Requirements Superior Universal Loan Acci-Jet
Home Program Insurance Program
On payroll of Up to 100% None None None None
an employer
(not self-employed)
Business with
customer traffic
(visible customer Up to 100% None None None None
movement in and
out each day during
business hours)
Business without ≤ 50% None None None None
customer traffic > 50% 1. Occupational · Waiting period: · Waiting period: · Waiting period:
classes 1A to 4A 90 days 90 days 119 days
2. Job stability · Benefit period: · Benefit period: · Benefit period:
(2 years in same or 5 years 5 years 5 years
related industry) maximum maximum maximum
3. Annual income of · Partial disability · Partial disability · Partial disability
at least $15,000 option not option not option not
(after expenses) available available available
No coverage available · Additional residual
if ALL these eligibility
requirements are not disability coverage
met. under policy does
not apply
For exclusive use by Financial Advisors