Page 31 - iA Excellence -Field Underwriting Guide - Updated on July 2019
P. 31
Seasonal and contractual workers
As of April 25 , 2016, seasonal workers are eligible under our Superior Program and Universal Loan disability
insurance products, as long as they work a minimum of 4 months per year for a total of 1,050 hours. The
occupational class would be defined by their job (from 4A to C) but they will benefit from the seasonal and
contractual occupation definition.
It is important to note that for those workers, the maximum duration of the “Regular Occupation” period
under the definition of Total Disability is twenty-four (24) months following completion of the waiting period.
Military risks
As of April 25 , 2016, members of the armed forces are eligible for our regular disability insurance.
However, they are not covered for all disabilities resulting from activities that are performed while they are
actively “at work,” as provided by the contractual exclusion pertaining to armed forces. Their occupational
class would be class C.
Members of reserve units of the armed forces are also eligible under our regular disability insurance, and
their occupational class would also be C unless they are engaged in an otherwise insurable occupation and
are not about to be called for military action. In this instance, their occupational class will be that defined
by their other occupation. However, they will not be covered for all disabilities resulting from activities that
are performed while they are actively “at work” as a member of reserve, as provided by the contractual
exclusion pertaining to armed forces.
See Smoking above.
See Medical conditions and probable underwriting actions above.
Many avocations pose no additional concerns or any unusual hazards. However, others do, and this will
affect our underwriting.
The underwriting is usually based on the following criteria:
• Qualifications (certified, etc.)
• Frequency of activity (past/present/future)
• Other relevant details when applicable, such as height, participating alone, location, depth, speed
reached, combat or competition involved
The following table summarizes the probable underwriting actions for the most common sports, subject
to the criteria above.
For exclusive use by Financial Advisors