Page 11 - Libro_MariaA_26agosto
P. 11
will focus on the points you should bear in mind when choosing a
place for your new horse to live. When you own a horse, knowing
the basics of horse health is essential. In chapter seven you will
feel like you’re in pre-vet school as you come to understand the
basics of essential horse health. Finally, in chapter eight, you will
find the experiences of ten professional and amateur riders with
their first horses, as well as advice they offer according to their his-
tory with horses. As you read this guidebook, you will learn basic
knowledge that will make your experience as a horse owner more
enjoyable. I hope that with this book, your decision to purchase a
horse will be as conscious as possible, and that it will allow you to
really enjoy this amazing opportunity that not everyone has.
It’s a shame that we can’t go back in time. I wish I had known
everything I know today when I had my first horses. My parents
would’ve saved a lot of money, and my horses would’ve had a
better quality of life. The bad experiences I lived through, and ulti-
mately seeing many beginners having bad experiences with their
horses, inspired me to write this easy to read guidebook. I am just
a horse mom and regular rider. I love horses more than anything
else in the world, and want to share my experience and knowl-
edge with those who love horses as well. Keep in mind that there
will always be a lot left to learn about horses, no matter how ex-
perienced you are. But, this guidebook is a start, so take out your
notebook and read on as I share the six main points that every
person who wants to buy a horse has to know.