Page 8 - Libro_MariaA_26agosto
P. 8

María Alejandra Ramelli

                                                          if I buy you a beautiful
                                                          pair of pink gold ska-
                                                          tes, and you skate ins-
                                                          tead of riding?’. I don’t
                                                          even know if pink gold
                                                          skates exist, but you
                                                          can imagine what my
                                                          answer was.

                                                           I  still  remember  my
                                                          first  riding  lesson.  The
                                                          pony I rode was called
                                                          Tintin. It was one of the
                                                          happiest days of my
                                                          life. I was just a three-
                                                          year-old girl, whose
                                                          grandfather was cons-
                                                          cious of her love for ani-
                                                          mals, and brought her
                                                          to discover this magical
                                                          universe. As I grew up,
                                                          my passion for horses
            has grown up with me, filling my life with the best experiences
            any horse rider can expect. It always amazes me how much of my
            life is guided by my all-consuming love for horses. My first goal
            in life was to talk my totally non-horsey parents into buying me a
            horse, but I wouldn’t achieve this goal until age eleven. My new
            horse arrived at the barn on the 1st of June 2011. I called him An-
            gelo. I couldn’t believe my dream had finally come true.

              My experience with Angelo was a very good one. He was a very experi-
            enced and healthy horse. I did my first jumping competitions with him in
            the pre-children’s category. However, not all my experiences with horses
            have been good. When I moved up to the children’s category I had a very
            bad experience with another horse that prevented me from competing
            for a year. This horse belonged to my trainer, and used to be a very good
            horse. He qualified with my trainer’s son to the Youth Olympic Games in

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