Page 107 - The wicked things to God
P. 107
3. Friendship with the world is hatred toward God
forbidden in the Bible, but because I hated such things in my
personality since I was little, even though what I have been
to church and read the Bible was since I was 35 years old.
Also, my parents who had lived without knowing Jesus didn’t
like such things either. So in my life, I have never taken
things that God has forbidden.
So when I first went to church, I did not know that
those things were cursed objects which were against God’s
holiness. After that, the Holy Spirit made that such things
were visible to me in the houses that I visited, and He made
me realize that demons were attached to the things and
dwelled in them, which were treated as a family treasure
that was animal pictures, or potteries, or engraved human
and animal shaped, or painted human and animal shaped
on furniture or clothes, and also which were the figure of
human and animal, and dolls like human and animal, and
displayed artificial flowers. Also the Holy Spirit had informed
that demons dwelled in the house were to rule the minds of
household members, and to make them cling to the world,
and to make them ill, and to mess up their lives. Briefly de-
scribed, since they are living with harboring curses, they are
the same as such things. It means, people give the right to
live in attaching to demons, so it is the demon’s culture that
is against God. And because those who are believers, are still
living together with hugging things that are detestable things