Page 111 - The wicked things to God
P. 111
3. Friendship with the world is hatred toward God
my heart with the world that was considered dirty by God.
I truly repent and repent.’ And they should change their
anxiety into grieve in pain that their faith was false, and they
should do an action of faith to clean up the detestable things
immediately. That is a humility that they themselves lower
before God. However, how dare they could make such an
excuse if they know who they are themselves before the Word
of God? I mean, if they really believe that God exists and that
there is a heaven and a hell.
The verse in 8-10 says about that. Doesn’t it say that
‘Come near to God and he will come near to you?’ When
you are to believe, it is not that God comes near to the be-
liever. Now the believer must come near to God. When we
are to come near to God, God also comes near to us. Then,
what does it mean coming near to God? Just as it is, first of
all, what such things that are detestable to God, should be
cleaned in yourself or in your life. That is a very basic thing
to come near to God. So, doesn’t it say like this?; ‘Wash your
hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-
minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to
mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before
the Lord, and he will lift you up.’ Then how about you? Do
you come near to God?
I wondered why people who were so-called believers asked