Page 2 - DWF City of London Report 2018
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City of London: Blueprint for growth
London sentiment
and the Brexit impact
Following the success of 2017’s City of London: Blueprint for Growth, we have once again
engaged 150 C-suites from FTSE 100 companies headquartered in London, across a range of
sectors, to find out how their challenges and opportunities have changed in the last year.
The top three reasons FTSE 100 com- London’s position as a pre-eminent %
global financial hub has been without 88
panies have their HQ in London over
question for centuries, but the
other international cities has shifted impact of Brexit is on course to
disrupt the city’s international of businesses said there would be no
relationships and create challenges impact to UK investments or they would
invest more if the UK did not retain access
2017 and opportunities for London-based to the single market – compared to just
businesses. 54% last year
The importance of retaining ac-
Main financial centre cess to the Single Market has nearly
in Europe / the world doubled since last year’s survey with
43 per cent (compared to 23 per
cent last year) stating this as a top
reason for basing their company’s All sectors (apart from healthcare and
One of the most connected HQ in London, illustrating that leav- transport) had an increase in the number
of people saying they would invest more
cities in the world ing this trading bloc could hamper
57% if the UK does not retain access to the
the city’s global allure. single market compared to 2017
Technology innovation -
access to start up scene
The top 3 greatest barriers to growth for UK businesses have changed
Business rates/taxation 57%
Technology innovation -
access to start up scene
57% Regulatory environment 56%
Uncertain political climate 51%
Main financial centre
in Europe / the world
55% 2018
Uncertain political climate 63%
Access to single market
Regulatory environment 49%
Newly in the top 3
Talent attraction and retention Newly in the top 3 42%