Page 4 - DWF City of London Report 2018
P. 4
City of London: Blueprint for growth
Fuelling business
Creating a stable financial, political, and London’s regulatory environment
technologically advanced environment remained the second biggest barrier
is key if London is to retain its position to growth this year and corporate 83 %
as one of the foremost international governance is changing as well.
destinations for the world’s largest As high profile public enquiries
companies. range from investigations into of respondents were
Businesses either remaining or pension deficits to working condi- somewhat or very confident
entering into the UK market need to be tions and bankers bonuses - the London’s interests will be
confident that they are operating in a role and accountability of boards protected in the next three
years (up from 56% last year)
robust financial market. Brexit poses a is changing to reflect this. 81 per
threat to this with 71 per cent of those cent of respondents are looking
we spoke to anticipating it being more to change their approach to recruit-
difficult to access capital post Brexit, up ing and retaining senior talent as
from 53 per cent last year. a result.
Across the board, businesses stated
London’s tech start-up scene as one
A crisis waiting of the key reasons they are based
in London. However, London’s tech
businesses seem to be very concerned
to happen about what the future may hold, and
what Brexit might mean for both their
business and their workforce.
of technology and communications
companies put London’s uncertain
75% political climate as one of their biggest
barriers for growth
of technology and communications
63% companies said talent attraction and
retention was one of their biggeast
barriers for growth
reason businesses based their HQ in
London over other international cities
= access to the start-up scene