Page 5 - DWF City of London Report 2018
P. 5

City of London: Blueprint for growth



           Smart investment in technology has   The top tech trends predicted to be the most important to the
           the power to drive forward growth and
           strengthen London’s position as a global   FTSE 100 in the next three years have altered slightly
           business hub. Only 5 per cent of those
           we asked did not think technological in-
           novation was integral to their company’s                      2017   2018
           business strategy in the next five years.
           This demonstrates the importance of
           this growth strategy to business leaders.   1  77%  Big data and analytics  Big data and analytics  79%  1
              Technology innovation could also be a
           key differentiator for London post-Brexit,
           access to London’s start-up scene was                                  Widescale
           the #1 reason businesses based their   2    66%                IoT     automation   53%            2
           HQ in London over other international
           cities (last year it was in 3rd place).
                                              3               45%  Cyber security  AI      40%                3
           88        %                        4                41%         AI     IoT     39%                 4

           of bankers and insurers state that tech
           innovation is crucially integral to their   5        27%  Widescale   Cyber    37%                 5
           business strategy within the next 5 years                 automation  security

           If not London, where? Cities viewed as the greatest competitive threats to London

             2017  2018
                                                                       45% | 33% Berlin
                                                                       49% | 42% Frankfurt

                                       56% New York
                  3%                                                                                67%
                  33% Chicago                                                                       41% Hong Kong

                                                                                                   29% Singapore

                                                    60% Amsterdam
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