Page 3 - DWF City of London Report 2018
P. 3
The workforce
of tomorrow
Talent attraction and retention has London may still have a greater focus
become a much larger issue for on traditional models than elsewhere.
businesses this year and was the third Great strides have been taken to 94 %
biggest barrier to growth. Brexit also A more diverse workforce
looks set to impact the ability of UK
businesses to recruit from abroad, improve gender equality in the last 12 of technology and
with 74 per cent thinking it will be months with the ‘#MeToo’ and Time’s communications business
harder to recruit the highest quality of Up campaigns, plus the government’s leaders plan to utilize the
talent - a 10 per cent increase from Gender Pay Gap reporting require- gig economy vs. just 31%
2017. With these challenges in mind ments. Our research reflects this in banking
business leaders are looking to change concern, indicating how senior man-
the agility and make-up of their work- agement failing to see gender equality
force to establish stronger teams that as a priority remains the top challenge
are more diverse. to women in business.
With the economic benefits of 59 per cent of businesses said yes
workforce agility now widely under- or, if they were not sure, thought it
stood, 83 per cent of London busi- was likely that the number of differ-
nesses expect some proportion of ently abled individuals within their or-
their workforce to be working on a ganisation would increase in the next
flexible basis in the next 5 years. In- 5-10 years. However, energy/natural
terestingly 87 per cent of respondents resources (82%) and transport (75%)
said that a greater proportion of their thought this would not increase at
workforce outside of London will em- all – demonstrating there is some way
brace agile working, a significant jump to go for a more diverse workforce
from 15 per cent last year – suggesting across the sectors.
A greater proportion of FTSE 100 London workforce is expected to be working
on an agile basis this year compared to last
Proportion of workforce to be agile 0% 1-29% 30-69% 70-100%
2017 41% 34% 21%
2018 17% 49% 33%