Page 1 - Newsletter Q2 FINAL flipbook
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                     HIGHLIGHTS                                 A Letter From Your

                                                                Executive Staff
                     Upcoming Events

                     Hopeful Futures Gala, Awareness Days, and
                     Stories of Hope - Miguel                     As we begin 2019, I am excited for the great things

                     Read Miguel’s story of Hope to find out how            that will take place this year at Hope. In January, The
                     Hope helped change his life!                 Autism Clinic opened a new location in O’Fallon, IL.
                                                                  This new clinic location allows us to expand our reach
                     HR Bulletin Board
                                                                  in the southern part of Illinois to meet the growing
                     Updates on Empower 401K and LeadWell         need for services in that area.
                     Employee Health Clinic.                      On February 1st, we also announced that Therapy
                     Behind the Scenes - Heather Mill             Relief, Inc. has officially joined the Hope family of
                                                                  programs. Therapy Relief - located in Chesterfield,
                     An inside look at how the Heather Mill team   MO. - is a provider of therapeutic services through-
                     promotes both fun and continued learning     out the greater St. louis area and beyond. Moving
                     among the six youth in their care.
                                                                  forward, they will be known as Therapy Relief at
                     Professional Resources                       Hope.  We are thrilled to bring their state of the art
                                                                  therapeutic services into the Hope organization. This
                     Upcoming conferences, CEU opportunities,     partnership will allow us to reach more individuals
                     resources, and more.                         who need specialized services in the least restrictive
                     Expansion News                               environment. You can read more about Therapy
                                                                  Relief in this issue. Please join me in welcoming our
                     Welcoming Therapy Relief and The Autism      new O’Fallon and Therapy Relief team members to
                     Clinic O’Fallon to the Hope family!          the Hope family!
                     Just For Fun
                                                                  Clint Paul, President and C.E.O
                     A collection of inspirational movies, books,
                     and quotes curated by Hope Staff.
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