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Hope - WINTER 2019


          The Date


          HOPEFUL FUTURES GALA                               Story of Hope
          March 9, 2019 | 6:00 - 9:00 PM
          Wyndham Springfield City Centre

                                                             Imagine, as a parent, not feeling safe when
                                                             alone with your child because they have severe
                                                             emotional outbursts. Imagine being confined to
          March 19, 2019 | 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM                 your home because these outbursts make you
          BOS Center - Springfield, IL                       fearful to take your child into the community.

                                                             This is how 16-year-old Miguel’s family felt when
                                                             he would have behavior incidents that included
          ICPN ANNUAL CONFERENCE                             kicking, scratching, and damaging furniture at his
          March 20, 2019 | 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM                 family home.
          NIU Conference Center - Naperville, IL             Miguel and his family’s lives have been for-
                         ever changed since he began living in Hope’s
                                                             Residential Academy, where he is now thriving.
          NATIONAL DOWN SYNDROME DAY                         His family continues to be amazed with Miguel’s

          March 21, 2019                                     improving abilities and the joy he has found
                                                             among peers since coming to Hope. He is now
          NATIONAL AUTISM AWARENESS DAY                      calmer, has fewer meltdowns, and has genuine
          April 2, 2019
                                                             Miguel recently starred in the schools Willy Wonka
                                                             Musical . He was also featured in a short video
                                                             about inclusion, where he describes himself as
          April 2019 - More info to follow                   a “fun loving, goofy guy”. This year, Miguel looks
                                                             forward to attending Hope’s Vocational Training
          GLOW BINGO                                         Academy where he will learn independent living
          April 25, 2019 | TBD                               and employment skills. He can’t wait to get a job
          Edwardsville Moose Lodge 1561                      and start earning his very own paycheck.
          Ticket info to follow
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