Page 3 - Newsletter Q2 FINAL flipbook
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Hope - WINTER 2019
The Scenes
Heather Mill Residential Home
Hope’s Residential Academy provides community-
based family-style homes for nearly 80 youth in the
Springfield community. As one of Hope’s longest
running programs, the goal is to provide a home for
the youth that focuses on state-of-the-art therapeutic programming, continued learning, and outstanding
recreational opportunities.
As one of 13 residential homes, Heather Mill does an exceptional job of creating a family atmosphere while
promoting independence. “Each of our 13 homes can have their own set of challenges at any given time.
Heather Mill has been doing an amazing job, especially during the closing of Springwood (a former Hope
Residential home) and the transfer of those youth into Heather Mill. The team made the transition seamless
and the youth are doing well,” said Lula Robinson, Director of Residential Services.
Six girls currently reside at Heather Mill with 24-hour care provided by 9 rotating staff members (with
additional supervisors). A typical day for the team consists of ensuring the youth have taken their medication,
maintaining routines, preparing meals, and transporting them to school and other activities. They make sure
the girls take pride in themselves by practicing good hygiene and dressing neatly. Every Heather Mill resident is
actively involved in planning their own meals, grocery shopping, cooking, and planning activities for the day.
Monica Green, an 18-year Hope employee, is currently a Habilitation Specialist on the Heather Mill team. “My
favorite part of the job is getting to know each youth and learning their likes and dislikes,” said Ms. Green.
“When I first started at Hope, I didn’t think I would be here 18 years later. Once I got into the homes and began
working with our youth, seeing them grow and learn, I grew to love my job even more and couldn’t imagine
The Heather Mill team places a strong emphasis on making the house feel like a home while promoting both
fun and continued learning! “The word ‘Hope’ itself represents genuine care and that is what we pride ourselves
on,” said Lula Robinson (Director of Residential Services). “We cherish our youth and want to see them strive to
be the greatest they can be within their abilities, the Heather Mill team is a wonderful example of this.”
Eye Spy Contest
It’s a SHAMROCK HUNT!! Can you find the Shamrock Clover hidden within this
newsletter?! Find it and report it for your chance to WIN Hope swag and a gift
card!! We will draw one lucky winner on February 14, 2018!
Once you have located the shamrock, let us know where you found it by either
1) Sending us an email at
2) Messaging the @VisionForHope Facebook page
3) Leaving a note in the contest box located at the front desk of the Learning
Academy (don’t forget to include your name and contact info)