Page 4 - Newsletter Q2 FINAL flipbook
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Hope - WINTER 2019


                For The New Year

                Quotes, Movies, and More!

                We asked, you shared... enjoy this roundup of
                inspirational favorites!


                THE OTHER SISTER - Celebrates an individuals unique abilities.     Quotes
                THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY - Have courage to find yourself.   “Our greatest glory is not in never
                LOSING SIGHT OF SHORE - Physical & mental determination.           falling, but in rising every time we
                THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS - Never give up.                          fall.”

                Books                                                              “Don’t believe everything you

                THE SHACK by William P. Young - Learning to forgive yourself.      think”
                THE HAPPINESS PROJECT by Gretchen Rubin - Create your own happy.
                                                                                   “Do something today that your
                                                                                   future self will thank you for”

                       HR Bulliten Board

                  LEADWELL HEALTH CLINIC

                  In December, Springfield’s City Council voted unanimously to partner with Hope on an on-site
                  employee health clinic, LeadWell. The new clinic, which will be for the city’s employees, as well as
                  Hope employees, will be located at The Hope Pavilion at 5220 S. 6th Street in Springfield, after its
                  move from its current location at Fit Club South . Hope is very excited for this opportunity to not
                  only serve the employees of the city of Springfield, but also our own employees, and to provide
                  such a great benefit to our hardworking staff. The clinic began seeing Hope employees on January
                  2nd, 2019. If you have utilized the clinic’s services, we would love to hear about your experiences!
                  Questions, comments and concerns are welcomed and can be directed to Anneliese Darow at
         or 217-585-5237.

                  EMPOWER - HOPE’S NEW 401K PROVIDER

                  Effective October 1st, 2018, Hope switched employee’s 401k benefits to a new provider, Empower.
                  Hope decided to make this move to provide employees with better investment options, lower fee
                  structures, and stronger participant education opportunities. Empower also comes with numerous
                  online tools and resources to help you plan for retirement, which are available through their
                  website,, or their smartphone app. Three months after your hire
                  date, Regular full-time employees can also enroll on their own to begin making contributions.
                  Please note: If you were enrolled in Hope’s last 401k plan, the beneficiaries you selected did not
                  carry over to the new system. Employees must log in to your Empower account to update your 401k
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