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Special needs parenting is hard. Every day. There Today, Gavin has been at Hope for just over a year
are endless medical appointments, procedures, and his family is amazed at his progress. He uses
therapists, home modifications, adaptive devices, a communication device and always expresses his
missed time at work, nights of research, worry, needs. He is a top student in his class and rarely
and tears. even needs direction. He has not had aggressive
episodes and he no longer injures himself.
Gavin was diagnosed with autism at an early age.
His mom, Janet, felt her family’s lives begin to spiral Caring staff like YOU made this difference in
out of control as Gavin got older and his behaviors Gavin’s life. You provided him with the tools to
began to increase. He was harming himself and communicate his needs. You provided him with
became extremely aggressive to everyone in his consistent therapy, care, and attention. You are
family. They were living in chaos. the reason Gavin is on track to reach his fullest
At the age of 8, Gavin still couldn’t speak. His
struggle to communicate his wants and needs Janet wrote a heartfelt note to Hope: “We
frustrated him and led to aggressive outbursts. His cannot thank you enough for the work you do
sibling’s involvement in extracurricular school every day and night. I had lost hope of ever
activities led to changes in the household routine. sleeping through the night – living in immense
These changes led to even more dangerous anxiety, fear, and chaos. Our family is so grateful
behaviors from Gavin. for your care, experience, and patience with Gavin.
You have not only rescued Gavin but you have
Janet knew they needed help. Gavin needed rescued my other children as well. You truly are the
intensive therapy, he needed more structure, and heroes of families with disabled children.”
his siblings needed to feel safe in their own home.
The family reached out to Hope. Hope offered Thank you for being a hero for families like Gavin’s.
the structured environment, individualized learning
plans, caring staff and the home-like feel
Gavin needs.