Page 7 - Newsletter_Dec2019_Email
P. 7

As a reminder, employees cannot carry over
          Did you know Hope currently invests 3% of your         more than double their annual accrual of
          annual salary into a retirement plan for eligible      vacation time at the end of the calendar year.
          full time employees each year? Additionally we
          have a matching program for employees who              To ensure employees don’t lose unused
          choose to invest additional money into a               vacation time, Hope provides an opportunity
          retirement account. Effective January 1, 2019,         for employees to participate in a vacation
                                                                 buyback program. This allows employee to
          Hope will increase the 401(k) annual                   request cash reimbursement for up to five (5)
          contribution matching to $300. When you
          choose to contribute money into a 401(k)               unused vacation days provided they retain a
          account, that money is taken out of your gross         balance of at least five unused vacation days
          pay before any taxes are withheld. This allows         after the requested days are cashed out.
          you to reduce your taxable income and will             Employees who elect to participate and are
          reduce your income tax and FICA withholding
          from your check. It’s a great way to save money        eligible will be paid for the vacation days at 50%
          while saving for your retirement.                      of their cash value. Employees will receive this
                                                                 payment in the form of a separate check.
                                                                 Employees wishing to participate in this
          Additionally, Hope will be making some                 program are required to complete an
          changes to our loan programs effective July 1,
          2020. We are phasing away from the employee            application form and submit it to Anneliese
          short terms loans and opening avenues for              Nash at for review. Applications
          employees to take 401(k) loans. Starting in            for vacation buyback are available on Hope’s
                                                                 Intranet as well as in Human Resources. The
          2020, eligible employees will only be allowed          deadline to participate in the program is Friday,
          to take one (1) loan from Hope of up to $500
          during the year. The Hope loan program will            December 13, 2019.
          cease after 2020. However, employees will be
          eligible to access money form their 401(k)
          accounts without eligible hardships.

          We would ask that with the new year, you
          consider making an investment in yourself and
          your retirement by upping your contributions to
          your 401(k) accounts. Less than a $15
          contribution per pay and you can take
          advantage of the full matching benefit! Please
          stay tuned for more details about accessing
          this loan benefit in the new year.
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