Page 6 - Newsletter_Dec2019_Email
P. 6

Hope is transitioning away from Paycom as our
                                                                 payroll provider and working to utilize ADP’s
                                                                 Workforce Now in its place. ADP Workforce Now
                                                                 will provide a platform for the whole
                                                                 organization to organize payroll and provide a
                                                                 central location for Hope-wide announcements.
                                                                 Employees will be able to access relevant tax
                                                                 information and pay stubs as well as request
                                                                 time off and view benefit time accruals.
                                                                 Managers will have a custom module that
                                                                 allows them to easily support their direct
          Effective January 1, 2020, the law allows              reports form their own login page. With the
          residents of the State of Illinois over the age of     transition to ADP, we are hopeful to implement
          21 to now legally purchase, use and obtain up to       exciting new options such as electronic
          30 grams of cannabis flower, 500 milligrams of         overtime posting and bidding, electronic
          THC contained in cannabis-infused product, or          benefits enrollment, shift swapping and
          5 grams of cannabis concentrate for                    pre-hire onboarding options.
          recreational use.   Accordingly, Hope will no
          longer be testing for cannabis during the              Hope plans to have all employees begin
          pre-employment drug testing process.                   utilizing ADP timeclocks effective December
                                                                 15th. Managers will be enrolling employees and
          However, nothing in the law prohibits                  their fingerprints at timeclocks across facilities
          employers from enforcing drug-free workplace           in the weeks prior. Please check your Hope
          policies.  Accordingly, Hope’s Substance Abuse         e-mail as that is how you will receive access to
          Policy remains in full force that prohibits any        your new employee self-service to allow you to
          employee from being under the influence of or          register in Workforce Now. We look forward to
          use of cannabis and illegal drugs while on duty        providing a smooth transition to a dependable
          (including breaks and lunches) as we are in the        payroll provider.
          business of being on alert and providing the
          best care to our kids.  Additionally, cannabis will
          not be allowed in any Hope home or building,
          without express written approval of the Chief
          Executive Officer.  Any employee exhibiting
          symptoms of being under the influence of
          cannabis, alcohol or other drugs is still subject
          to reasonable suspicion drug testing per Hope’s
          policy that will result in discipline, up to and
          including discharge.   The law now allows a time         Hope plans to host the 2019 employee
          and place to lawfully use recreational cannabis,         recognition events in early 2020 this year.
          but it is not at Hope.                                    Please keep your eye out for save the dates in
                                                                    your area.
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