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THE BEHAVIORAL TEAM                                    Kelly Hall, LCPC, and Director of the Hope
                                                                                                                                Behavioral Health Department is thrilled at the
                                                               growth of her team. “I have immense pride and
        Hope’s Behavioral Health Department plays an           admiration for my team,” said Hall. “I am very
        integral role in the success stories of our youth!     excited about the expansion of my team. We are
        Virtually all of our Springfield Learning Academy      diverse and each person brings their own strengths
        and Residential Academy students have a behavior       to the table, allowing us to offer the very best care
        plan in place, but what is a behavior plan? What       to our kiddos.”
        is its purpose? And how are they created
        and implemented?                                       Kelly’s team consists of Dr. Kim Pollock, LCP; Aubry
                                                               Tarr, LPC; Kelly Johnston, LSW; Jessica
        The Behavior department works directly with the        Landendorf, LCPC; BCBA’s Tori Branda, Karen
        educational and residential teams to assess            Brown, and Bridget Gilliam; RBT’s Nate Mayfield, Will
        specific behaviors that may be impeding the            Porter, and Amanda Ikejiaku; Amanda Gahm, who
        learning and/or independence of a student. During      is working towards her BCBA; and intern, Shelby
        the assessment phase, behavior analysts use            Button.
        scientific methods to predict why the behavior is
        occurring. Once they have identified the what          The Behavioral team places a strong emphasis on
        and the why, they design positive intervention         making decisions that are in the best interest of
        strategies in order to address and change the          Hope’s students. They continually monitor each
        behavior. This in-depth behavior plan is shared        student on their case load and work with Hope
        with the family and support staff that work with       staff to ensure each student’s success. This kind
        the student so that the behavior strategies can be     of teamwork and level of care is what makes The
        worked into every aspect of the student’s life. The    Hope Learning Academy in Springfield unique.
        team then monitors the behavior plan by collecting
        and analyzing data using software like catalyst and
        Therap to determine if the plan is on track or if it
        needs adjusted.
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