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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter
November 2017 Volume 42 Issue 3
Message from President Brown
reetings Sorors,
In a few days it will be Thanksgiving Day and we will sit down to-
gether, count our blessings, and give thanks for our families and
loved ones. Our families are bound together through times of joy
Inside The Torch
and times of grief. They shape us, support us, instill the values that
guide us as individuals, and make it possible all that we achieve. So
on this special day, we will give thanks for our family -- for all the wisdom, support, and Chaplain’s Corner 2
love they have brought into our lives. Eight Decades of 3
Sisterhood and
Thanksgiving is also a day to remember those who cannot sit down to break bread with Success
those they love. Whether the reason is due to a loss of a loved one, because one has to Making Strides in 4
Social Action
work, military obligations or something else, let us be thankful for the time given. Let us
use the occasion of Thanksgiving to reflect and renew our commitment to peaceful and C.L.A.S.S.— 5-7
Creating Leaders
fruitful relationships with all. Aspiring in Schol-
arship & Service
In this season of thanksgiving, we also must reflect on the totality of our circumstances.
Because of our situations or our conditions we tend to forget that we deserve all things Making Strides 8
Against Breast
good and precious in our lives, which includes family, sorors and friends. Each year dur- Cancer
ing this time, we are reminded to practice gratitude and thanks. This year is no differ-
ent, as we show our appreciation for everything in our lives, both big and small. As we Kimberly’s Story 9
sit at our tables this holiday season, whether it is a family of many or an intimate dinner
for two, be thankful and humble for the many blessings bestowed on your life and those Membership 10
placed in your life. Committee
I want close by expressing my gratitude to you for the service that you continually pro- MAC Treasurer’s 11
vide to our organization and community Corner
Guidelines for At- 12
With warmest wishes for a happy holiday season, tire at
Committed to IMPACTFUL Service, Meeting
Cassandra Courtesies & 13
Upcoming Events 14
Cassandra E. Brown
Chapter President Special points of interest:
Eight Decades of Sisterhood and Success
From Alabama News Center
C.L.A.S.S.—Creating Leaders Aspiring in Scholarship & Service