Page 10 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
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1.5 升级到下一学年 Promotion to the Next Grade
为了升入下一年级,学生依照选课流程手册必须达到该年级课程设定的目标,并且必须达到 学校出勤率的要求。如果学生有降级的危险,家长和学生会在第二学期前被告知. 学校将与 学生和家长一起制定关于本学年余下的时间里提高学生的学业成绩的计划.最终决定会在学 期末制定出,不及格的学生必须完成由学校制定的修分计划,否则重读该年级。
In order to be promoted to the next grade, a student must have achieved the goals set forth in the grade level curriculum for that class level and must also meet school attendance requirements. Parents will be informed if the student is at risk of repeating a class as early as the second semester, and Honor School will work with the student and parents on a plan to improve performance throughout the remainder of the school year. The final decision is made by the end of the academic year, students that fail must complete a credit recovery as arranged by the school, or repeat the grade.
1.6 重修 Repeating a grade
对学生偶尔情况下的重修是最有利的。建议在对学生的学业进步和成熟程度进行长达一年的 评估后再重复。这个建议通常是依据 Jupiter 学业平台提供的成绩提出的,结合课堂教师、 学校校长和专家教师一起定期的对学生反馈意见,并咨询孩子的父母。学校会在 6 月 15 给 出学生有可能重修的警告并建议重修的决定不得迟于每年 9 月 1 日提出。
Occasionally it is in the best interest of a child to repeat a grade. Honor School recommendation to repeat are made after year-long assessment of the students’ academic progress and level of maturation. The recommendation is generally made using Jupiter system, by a team composed of the classroom teacher, Head of School, and specialist teachers who have given feedback to the students regularly, in combination with the child’s parents. A final warning students may have to repeat will be issued no later than 15th June and a final decision for the following academic year should be made no later than September 1.
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