Page 12 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 12
2.4.4 不看色情、凶杀、暴力、封建迷信的书刊、音像制品,不听不唱不健康歌曲,不参加 迷信活动。
Inappropriate content. No reading of pornographic, murderous, violent, feudal and superstitious books or audio-visual products, no listening to or singing peccant songs, and no participation in superstitious activities.
2.5 尊重他人 Respect Others.
2.5.1. 平等待人,与人为善。尊重他人的人格、宗教信仰、民族风俗习惯。谦恭礼让,尊老 爱幼,帮助残疾人。
To be fair and kind to others. Respect other people's personality, religious beliefs, national customs and habits. Respect the elderly, love the young and help the disabled.
2.5.2. 尊重教职工,见面行礼或主动问好,回答师长问话要起立,给老师提意见态度要诚恳。 Respect the staff, salute or greet them actively, raise hands to answer the teacher's questions and
be sincere in giving advice to the teacher. 2.5.3.同学之间互相尊重、团结互助、理解宽容、真诚相待、正常交往,不以大欺小,不欺
Respect each other, help each other, treat others sincerely, no bullying, no teasing of others. Please make self-reflection when you have conflicts with your classmates.
2.5.4.使用礼貌用语,讲话注意场合,态度友善,要讲普通话。接受或递送物品时要起立并 用双手。
Use polite language, speak in a friendly manner, and in the language of the class (English or Mandarin). Stand up and use both hands when accepting or delivering goods.
2.5.5.未经允许不进入他人房间、不动用他人物品、不看他人信件和日记。Not entering other people's rooms, using other people's things, reading other people's letters and diaries without permission.
Do not interrupt others at will, do not disturb others studies, work or rest, and apologize for being
in their way.
2.5.7 诚实守信,言行一致,答应他人的事要做到,做不到时表示歉意,借他人钱物要及时
Be honest and trustworthy, practice what you preach, do what you promise others, apologize when you can't. Return money and things you borrowed from others in time. Don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, and correct your mistakes in time.
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