Page 13 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
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2.5.8.积极参加生产劳动和社会实践,积极参加学校组织的各项活动,遵守活动的要求和规 定。
Actively participate in productive work, social practice, and all activities organized by school, and comply with the requirements and regulations of the activities.
2.5.9.爱护校舍和公物,不在黑板、墙壁、课桌、布告栏等处乱涂改刻画。借用公物要按时 归还,损坏东西要赔偿。
Take good care of the school building and public property, and do not paint or draw on the whiteboard, walls, desks or bulletin boards. Return borrowed public property on time and compensate for damaged items.
2.6 学术诚信 Academic Integrity.
作弊行为是学校所不允许的。作弊者及帮助他人作弊的学生,有损学校的诚信及评估学 习成果的公平性。学生不允许抄袭他人的作业(剽窃),不允许考试中做出任何妨碍对学生 的能力进行公平评价的行为。作弊行为一旦被发现,将按照学校制定的学生评估政策进行学 业处分、纪律处理。学生需要重新完成相关评估(包括测验、小考、考试、项目设计或作业)。 累计再犯者的处分也将相应升级。所有作弊行为需汇报至所在校区的学校领导。请注意,在 所有的测验和考试中,绝不允许使用手机或平板电脑。如有违反,将视为作弊行为,根据处 置等级方案进行处理。
Cheating is unacceptable in this school. Cheaters and students who help others cheat compromise the integrity of the school and the fairness of the assessment of learning outcomes. Students are not allowed to plagiarize others' work (plagiarism) or any actions that interfere with a fair assessment of a student's abilities during exam. Once any cheating is found, it will result in academic and disciplinary action in accordance with the student assessment policy established by our school. Students will be required to re-complete relevant assessments (including quizzes, tests, exams, project designs, or assignments). Students with repeat violations will get more serious punishment. All cheating must be reported to the school head. Please note that using cell phones or tablets is never permitted on quizzes and exams. Doing so will be considered cheating and will be dealt with according to the discipline policy.
2.7 吸烟、吸毒/ 饮酒 Smoking、 Drugs and Alcohol
We promote a healthy lifestyle and prohibit students from smoking (including e-cigarettes,
2.7.1.学校提倡健康的生活方式,禁止学生吸烟(包括电子烟等)。吸烟行为不仅伤害自身的 健康,还会对他人健康构成危害。校园内、操场、及靠近学校的区域均禁止吸烟。如发现学 生有吸烟行为,将根据学生违纪处罚条例对学生进行相应的处罚。学校还要求员工及所有来 访者遵守我校作为无烟校园的规定。
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