Page 15 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 15

 The school stipulates that students may not produce, copy, publish or spread information that endangers national security, national unity, religious policy, social order, the school's reputation, or insults and slanders others, as well as pornographic and obscene information.
2.11 爱护公共设施及财务 Protect public facilities and finance
Damage to other people's or collective property must be compensated at the full replacement price; intentional damage to other people's or collective property is a serious disciplinary offense, and the school will deal with the offense in accordance with the circumstances and value of the
2.12 校园安全 Security on Campus
When students are in school, safety is the most important thing. Safe work is everyone's responsibility.
2.12.1.走读学生进出校园要凭学生卡,住宿生离开校园要出示班主任签发的出门证。不 得私自离开校园或以不得当的方式离开校园,上课期间,学校不接受外来学生的来访,特殊 情况,需要报学生发展中心主任批准。
Non-resident students must use their student card to enter and leave the campus, and boarding students must present an exit card issued by the homeroom teacher when leaving the campus. Leaving the campus without permission is strictly prohibited. During the class, the school does not accept visits from outside students. Special circumstances require approval from the Director of the Student Development Center.
No horseplay indoors is permitted., dangerous actions are not allowed. 2.12.3.不要将你的贵重物品带入学校,平时锁好柜子,东西不要乱丢乱放。
Don't bring your valuables into the school, keep your cabinets locked and don't litter. 2.12.4.不要随便接触和操作电器设备、安保设施、消防器材、等各类学校设施设备。仅
Do not touch and operate electrical equipment, security facilities, fire-fighting equipment, and other school facilities and equipment casually. The alarm device can only be triggered in emergency situations. Under the guidance of the teacher, use various experimental materials and operate experimental instruments correctly.
2.12.5.外卖餐饮规定 Rules for takeaway 14 / 57

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