Page 11 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 11
2. 学生日常行为规范 Code of conduct for students
2.1 自尊自爱 Self-esteem
自尊自爱,注重仪表。维护国家荣誉,尊敬国旗、国徽,会唱国歌,升降国旗、奏唱国歌时 要肃立、脱帽、行注目礼。
Respect yourself and focus on your grooming Maintain national honor, respect the national flag and national emblem. Be able to sing the national anthem. Take hats off and stand at attention when raising and lowering the national flag and when singing the national anthem.
2.2 着装要求 Dress Code
平时穿校服,正式场合穿学校正装。不染奇异发色,女生不化浓妆,女生不戴夸张耳饰并不 超过一对,不能在除耳朵之外的其他地方打孔,女生校园内不穿高跟鞋及热裤和露脐装,男 生不留长发,不打耳洞并不佩戴耳饰。
Dress in formal school uniform on all formal occasions, and regular school uniform everyday. no hair dyeing, no make-up, no more than one pair of earrings, no piercing other than earring, no high heels, tight pants and navel attire on campus, no long hair for boys.
2.3 卫生 Hygiene
2.4 文明举止 Civilized Behavior
Develop good hygiene habits, come to school clean including shower, teeth brushed and clean uniform. Do not spit or litter.
2.4.1.举止文明,不说脏话,不骂人,不打架,不赌博。不涉足未成年人不宜的活动和场所。 Behave in a civilized manner; do not swear, curse, fight or gamble. Do not join in activities or
places that are inappropriate for minors.
2.4.2. 爱惜名誉,拾金不昧,抵制不良诱惑,不做有损人格的事。
Cherish reputations. Do not steal or swindle money. Resist bad temptations. Do not do anything degrading.
Be honest, trustworthy and courteous to others
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