Page 9 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
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 Formal reporting periods are scheduled at the end of each term and the followings levels are used to describe student academic achievement:
     1.3 学生档案 Student Records
学生档案是学生学习进度的成长记录。为每个学生建立一个学生成长记录,并存档在学校教 务办公室。学校的校长和教师都可以获得学生的学校资料。
The Student Record is a confidential record of a student’s educational progress. A Student Record is established for each student and is filed in the AAO office. The information in a student record is available to the principal and teachers of the school.
1.4 学业成绩单、进度报告 Report Cards, Progress Reports
家长和学生将在期中和期末收到孩子的综合成绩单。报告卡将以电子文档方式发放。也可以 登录网站进行查看,学校将通过纸质打印盖章邮寄的方式通 知家长和学生。老师也会学期末结束呈上学生的进度报告和学业水平改进意见。
Parents and students will receive comprehensive report cards for your child in January and June. Report cards will be issued electronically, and are available at, The school will mail it to parents and students by printing and stamping an official seal. You will also receive a progress report at the end of semester.
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