Page 18 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
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 2.15.7.外出和到家时,向父母打招呼,未经家长同意,不得在外住宿或留宿他人。Get a permission slip signed by parents to leave campus, and do not stay out or overnight with others without parental consent.
2.15.8.体贴帮助父母长辈,主动承担力所能及的家务劳动,关心照顾兄弟姐妹。Help parents and elders with the household chores actively, and care for brothers and sisters.
2.15.9.遵守交通法规,不闯红灯,不违章骑车,过马路走人行横道,不跨越隔离栏。Abide by traffic laws, don't run red lights, don't ride bicycles illegally, cross the road at crosswalks, don't cross barriers.
2.15.10.遵守公共秩序,乘公共交通工具主动购票,给老、幼、病、残、孕及师长让座, 不争抢座位。Abide by public order, buy tickets on public transport, give up seats for the elderly, the young, the sick, the disabled, the pregnant and teachers actively.
2.15.11.遵守国家法律,不做法律禁止的事。Comply with national laws and refrain from doing what is prohibited by law.
2.15.12.爱护公用设施、文物古迹,爱护庄稼、花草、树木,爱护有益动物和生态环境。Care for public facilities, cultural relics, crops, flowers, trees, beneficial animals and the ecological environment.
3.融育学生一日常规 Daily Routine for Students
3.1 学校时间 School hours
3.3.1.学校时间:周一至周四,7:50 至 17:10;周五,7:50 至 15:25。学生须保证出勤, 出勤是学生学业成绩的一个重要部分。
The school hours are from 7:50 am to 17:10pm, Tuesday to Thursday; 7:50 am to 15:25, Friday and commences 7:40 on Monday. Attendance is an essential aspect of student academic success.
3.1.2.所有学生须在早上 7:50 前进入教室。
The latest time of arrival is 7:50 am for all students.
3.2 校服、仪容仪表 Uniforms and appearance
3.2.1.学校要求所有学生在上课时间( 周日 18:32 — 周五 15:25 )穿着校服(学校统一 发放的运动装,T 恤衫等),体育课穿着运动服校服,在课堂内的任何时间都不戴帽子,不 穿拖鞋。在任何时候,学生的仪表都应该是干净而整洁的。、
All students are required to wear full school uniforms during school hours (Sunday 18:32 -
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