Page 19 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 19

 Friday 15:25). Students can wear school sportswear during PE class. After school and during study time, students may wear school formal dress or sportswear. No hats or slippers are allowed at any time in the classroom. Student’s appearances are expected to be clean and neat.
3.2.2.正装:学校大型集会,所有学生必须着正装,( 西服上衣、裤子、女生正装裙,白 衬衫及校服领带,学生可以在西装校服内穿着校服高领衫)。
Formal dress: suit tops, pants (dress skirts for girls), white shirts and school ties, students may wear school turtlenecks within their suit tops.
3.3 升旗仪式及集会 Monday morning assembly
Wear formal dress and ties. 3.3.2.体委组织本班学生迅速到指定位置按照晨会队形站立,保持秩序井然,力争“快、静、 齐”,清点人数报告班主任。
The Homeroom representative organizes the students to go to the designated positions quickly and stand in accordance with the morning assembly formation, keeping order, strive to be "fast, quiet and uniform". Report to the homeroom teacher when count the number of students. 3.3.3.升旗时高唱国歌,庄严肃立,行注目礼。
Sing the national anthem and stand at attention when the flag is raised. 3.3.4.集会时(包括开学典礼、晨会、演出、比赛等)要遵守会场纪律,尊重表演者或演讲 者,不得窃窃私语或大声喧哗。学生进场和退场时,应遵守秩序,对他人谦让、礼貌,不得 迟到、早退及擅自缺席。
When gatherings (including opening ceremonies, morning meetings, performances, competitions, etc.), students must abide by the discipline of the venue, respect the performers or speakers, and must not whisper or make loud noises. When entering and leaving the venue, students should abide by order, be courteous and courteous to others, and must not be late, leave early, or absent without authorization.
3.4 课前准备 Morning inspection routine requirements
Show up to class on time, don't be late, don't make noise, don't skip class, and greet teachers when you meet them.
3.4.2.主动上交作业,班长负责点名做好记录,及时向班主任报告出勤情况。 18 / 57

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