Page 22 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
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3.7.4.晚自习时间不准放音乐或看电影(任课教师特殊布置除外),不准在教室内 吃东西,保证学习质量。Do not play music or watch movies during the evening study time (except for special assignments by subject teachers) and do not eat in the classroom to ensure the quality of learning, health and sanitation of the teaching building.
3.7.5.晚自习期间,各班不得组织与学习无关的活动,如有特殊情况须报学生发展 中心批准。During the evening study period, students are not allowed to organize non-study related activities and must report to the student development center for approval if there are special circumstances.
3.7.6.晚 自 习期 间 ,学生遇到学习疑难问题时可向值班老师或同学请教、讨论,但不要影 响到其他同学的学习。特殊情况,需要小组成员一起讨论才能完成的作业或课题,需向 晚自习辅导老师请假,获得批准后,方可到指定地点(公共教室 306 等)完成课业, 未经允许,严禁在一楼共享空间活动。
During the evening study period, students can ask the teacher on duty for advice or discuss with classmates when they have study related questions, but please do not disturb other students. If there is any special circumstances, students have assignments or projects that require group discussion, they need to ask for leave from the evening teachers to obtain approval and then to complete coursework in designated locations (such as room 306). Activities in shared space are strictly prohibited without permission.
3.7.7.晚自习期间,学生不可订购外卖,晚自习老师有权没收并批评记录。 Students may not order takeaways during the evening study period, and the evening
study teacher reserves the right to confiscate items and reprimand students. 3.7.8.晚自习期间班委要起带头作用,各班班长、副班长辅助值班教师维持本班
During the evening study period, the class leaders should set the example, and the head teacher and deputy head teacher of each class should assist the teacher on duty in maintaining the discipline of the evening study in their class.
3.7.9.晚自习结束后(20:20),班长清点人数,并协助辅导老师,统一带回宿舍。 After the self-study (20:20) ends, the class leader will count the number of students,
and assist the teacher to bring students back to the dormitory.
3.8 电脑及电子产品管理要求 Computer & Electronics Management Requirements
3.8.1. 手机只许在宿舍生活区的规定时间段使用(周末留校学生除外)。
Students are only allowed using cell phone in the dormitory during scheduled hours (except for students staying on campus during weekends).
Students are only allowed use of electronic devices like computers in the teaching building
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