Page 24 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 24

  3.9 宿舍要求 Dorm rules
3.9.1.每天早上 6:20 起床,7:20 前离寝,没有按时离寝的,由班主任负责领回班级进 行教育,累计三次将进行相应的处罚。
Get up at 6:20 every morning, leave bed before 7:20, and fail to leave bed on time, the
homeroom teacher will be responsible for bringing the student back to the class for education, and the corresponding punishment will be given for three times.
3.8.2.每天 22:30 准时熄灯,熄灯后,要准时上床休息,不再随便外出走动,大声喧哗, 保持宿舍安静。
Turn off the lights on time at 22:30 every day. After turning off the lights, go to bed and rest on time. Don’t walk around casually or make loud noises, students should keep the dormitory quiet.
3.9.3.不在宿舍就寝的,必须有班主任批条。无正当理由而不在宿舍就寝的,算作旷宿, 累计超过 3 次的,学校给予警告。如有特殊情况,未能及时办理审批手续,可先告知生活老 师做好登记,允许补办请假审批手续后,方可离开。
If the student do not sleep in the dormitory, s/he must have a form of approval from the homeroom teacher and parents in charge. Those who do not sleep in the dormitory without a valid reason are counted as absenteeism, and the school will give a warning if they accumulate more than 3 times. If there are special circumstances that fail to go through the approval procedures in time, the student can first inform the dormitory teacher to complete the registration and allow the leave to go through the approval procedures before leaving.
3.9.4.上课和晚自习期间,学生不得随便进出宿舍,更不可在宿舍逗留,如遇特殊情况, 需向班主任提出申请,得到许可后,由班主任开具回寝单;在宿舍一楼宿管老师办公室处登 记,经允许后方可进入宿舍楼。平时由于体育运动出汗、淋雨等特殊情况,确实需要回宿舍 洗漱、换衣服的,必须由班主任开具回寝条,并保证不影响接下来的课程,每次回寝时间 15-20 分钟。
During class and evening self-study, students are not allowed to enter and leave the dormitory at will, or let alone stay in the dormitory. In case of special circumstances, they need to apply to a director or principal. After obtaining permission, the homeroom teacher will issue a return dormitory note; the student need to register on the first floor of the dormitory office enter the dormitory building with the dormitory teacher’s permission. Normally, due to special circumstances such as sports sweating and rain, etc, the student need to go back to the dormitory to wash or change clothes, the homeroom teacher must issue a return note and ensure that it will not affect the following courses. Each return time is 15-20 minutes.
3.9.5.周日 18:00 时准时回校晚自修,不得迟到、缺席,如有特殊原因,要求家长向班 主任请假,并说明原因,否则作旷课处理。
Return to school on time at 18:00 on Sundays for self-study. No lateness or absence is
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