Page 26 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
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attendance problems may be asked to repeat or drop out of school, more than 12 absences in any course will result in a repeat of that course except in extreme circumstances as approved by a principal. The school strongly advises parents not to take students out for long time family gatherings and trips. While we understand that you sometimes have no choice, but you must ensure that students are able to keep up with homework during their absences.
3.10.1.学生按时到校上课。在上课期间学生不得私自离开校园,如遇特殊情况,学生 向班主任提出申请,由班主任通知家长并同时向学生发展中心汇报,得到学生发展中心和家 长的同意后方可离开。
Students should arrive at school on time for class. Students are not allowed to leave the campus privately during class. In case of special circumstances, students should first apply the request to the homeroom teachers who will then report to both parents and Student Development Center, students must obtain both consents of their parents and the Student Development Center before leaving.
3.10.2.学生在校期间,不迟到、不早退、不旷课,由于身体原因而不能上课的,需要 校医确定,班主任向学生发展中心申请,得到同意后方可。
Students at school should not be late for classes, leave early or absent. If students are unable to attend classes due to physical reasons, they need to be confirmed by the school doctor, and the homeroom teacher needs to apply to the Student Development Center for approval.
3.10.3.学生由于参加与学校有关的活动而不能上课的,应事先告知任课教师并获得其 允许。
Students who are unable to attend classes due to participation in school-related activities should inform the teacher in advance and obtain their permission 3.10.4.学生因病、因事不能到校上课的,应事先由家长或监护人向校方请假,并出具请假 条(或文字形式告知)。两天以内(含两天),班主任须向学生发展中心、教师发展中心请 假报备;超过两天的须向外方学术副校长请假;超过 5 天的须向校区校长请假。 请假期间 完成所耽误的作业。
If a student is unable to attend school due to illness or due to circumstances, the parent or guardian should ask the school for leave in advance and issue a leave request form (or written notice). For less than two days’sick or casual leave (including two days), the homeroom teacher shall report to Students Development Center and Teachers Development Center. Students request for more than two days leave should report to the academic principal; More than five days leave should request for executive principal. In all cases of leave, students are required to ask for missing assignments and complete the work on their own.
The school’s transcript will list the student’s attendance and count it into the usual grades.
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