Page 27 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 27

  3.11 就餐常规要求 Bedtime and mealtime routine
就餐:按时有序排队就餐,不插队、不代买,主动倒餐盘和残渣,吃多少打多少,不浪 费粮食。一日三餐务必到食堂就餐,不许订购外卖。
Meals: line up on time and in an orderly manner, do not jump the queue, do not take food for
others, remember to clean plates of scraps, eat as much as you can, do not waste food. Eat in the canteen, do not order take-out.
4.社团与课外活动常规要求 Clubs and extracurricular activities
4.1 社团活动规则 Club rules
4.1.1.周二、周四社团活动作为必修课程必须参加;周一、周三如果不能参加学生自己 组织的社团活动,全部到 306 公共教室进行自习。
Club activities on Tuesday and Thursday must be taken as compulsory courses; on Monday and Wednesday, if you cannot participate in the club activities organized by the students themselves, all students will go to the 306 public classroom for self-study.
4.1.2.请各位同学在社团开始上课前五分钟到达相应教学地点,不迟到、不早退、不旷 课,听从指导老师安排,其他个别同学有辅导课、学校集体活动等除外。
Students are requested to arrive at the corresponding teaching location five minutes before the start of the class. Do not be late, leave early, or absent from class. Follow the arrangements of the teacher, except for other individual students who have tutoring classes, school group activities, etc.
Boarding students are not allowed to go back to the dormitory during club hours. 4.1.4.每位学生在社团课时间,不得无故缺勤,有特殊事情需提交请假申请。社团总负责
人将在社团课时间协助各社团导师,检查学生的出勤情况,并做好记录。一次缺勤,口头警 告处分,两次缺勤,留堂处分,三次缺勤,将免除该生参与此社团资格。
Students are not allowed to be absent from work without reason during club class hours. If there are special things, an application for leave must be submitted. The head of the club will assist the instructors of the clubs during club class hours, check the attendance of the students, and make records. One absence, verbal warning, two absences, detention, and three absences will exempt the student from participating in this club.
4.1.5.每个学期,在所有社团名单已经确认的情况下,各社团导师在相应社团课时间进 行点名,如果学生姓名没有出现在相应社团的点名册上,但是进入了此社团,请勿让学生进
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