Page 28 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 28
Each semester, when the list of all clubs has been confirmed, the instructors of each club will roll the call during the corresponding club class. If the student's name does not appear on the roll of the corresponding club, but enter the club, please do not let the student enter.
4.2 校外活动规则 Off campus activities guideline
首要任务是学术和学生的安全 First priority is academics and student safety 4.2.1.任何校外活动都应至少提前两周安排好以最小化上课时间的损失。
Any off-campus activity should be organized at least 2 weeks in advance and scheduled to
minimize loss of class time
4.2.2.任何参加的学生必须通过所有课程,并有最低累积 GPA 为 2.5,如果低于这个分 数则不允许参加。如果学生未能通过某一门课,他们必须完成所有缺失的工作并参加辅导以 提高 GPA(每种情况将由教师、学生发展中心主任和至少一位校长审查)。
Any student participating must be passing all classes and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, anything lower and they will not be allowed to participate. If a student is failing any individual class, they must complete all missing work and attend tutoring to bring up their GPA
(each situation will be reviewed by the teacher, student athlete and at least one Principal) 4.2.3.所有参加校外活动的学生必须在至少两天前联系相应会缺课的老师,不迟于外出
All students attending an off-campus event must contact the teacher of the class they will miss to get assignments, a minimum of 2 days before missing class and turn in the assignment no later than the morning they will be absent, or they cannot participate in the off-campus activity.
Parental permission slips must be obtained. (Remember the students are minors and the organizing teacher is responsible for their whereabouts and safety)
4.2.5.学生和教师必须记住,他们在校外代表学校。他们应该以合适行为让学校感到骄 傲。
The students and faculty must remember while off campus they represent the school. They should behave in a manner to make the school proud.
4.2.6.任何在学校时表现不当的人都将被禁止在本学期剩下的时间内参加校外活动。 Anyone that behaves inappropriately while representing the school will be banned from off campus events for the remainder of the semester.
5.学生生病处置流程 Procedures for handling students’illness
5.1 学生生病首先告知班主任,及时到校医室诊治。班主任要跟踪,校医确诊无大碍的 要坚持上课。
If students get sick, they should inform the homeroom teacher and go to the school infirmary
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