Page 25 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
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 allowed. If there are special reasons, parents are required to ask for leave from the homeroom teacher and explain the reason, otherwise they will be treated as absenteeism.
Male and female boarding students are not allowed to enter or visit each other’s dormitory at any time.
3.9.7.每天早起要清扫宿舍卫生,整理内务,并注意保持宿舍卫生,学生离寝后,生活 老师将对宿舍卫生进行检查评比,并计入班级考核及个人考核,屡次卫生不合格的,将进行 整改教育。
Get up early every morning to clean up the dormitory, tidy up the room, and pay attention to maintaining the dormitory hygiene. After the students leave the dormitory, the dormitory teacher will check and evaluate the dormitory hygiene, and will be counted it into the class assessment and personal assessment. Those who have repeated hygiene failures will be given rectification education.
3.9.8.注意安全,严防事故,不私自移动,拆卸、损坏宿舍内的公共设施,不在宿舍使 用明火,不私接电源、不使用大功率违章电器(电饭锅、电磁炉、烧水壶、热得快、电热杯、 烫发棒、电夹板、插线板等),一经发现视情节轻重给予处理。发现安全隐患及时告知生活 老师或班主任。
Pay attention to safety issues and prevent accidents, students should not move, dismantle or damage the public facilities in the dormitory without permission, do not use open flames in the dormitory, do not connect the power supply privately, do not use high-power illegal electrical appliances (electric rice cookers, induction cookers, kettles, fast heating, Electric heating cups, perm rods, electric splints, power strips, etc.), once found, it will be dealt with according to the severity of the situation. Please inform the dormitory teacher or homeroom teacher immediately if there are any safety concerns.
3.9.9.不在宿舍内存放贵重物品及现金,注意保管好自己的财物。离开宿舍时要及时关 闭所有电源,节约水电。
Do not store valuables and cash in the dormitory, and take care of your own belongings. When leaving the dormitory, turn off all power sources in time to save water and electricity.
3.10 出勤管理 Attendance
当学生注册到上海融育学校开始,就承诺了要按时出勤。经常缺课会妨碍孩子的学习, 有严重出勤问题的学生可能会被要求留级或退学。除非是校长同意的特殊情况,每门功课超 过 12 次缺席,该门功课将被要求重修。学校强烈建议家长不要长时间带学生出去参加家庭 聚会和旅行。虽然学校知道有的情况实在没有办法,但家长必须确保学生在缺课期间能跟上 功课。
When students register in Shanghai Honor School, they committed they will attend every
class on time. Frequent absences will do harm to students learning and students with serious
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